News 2023
- Assembly of the Vicariate of France-Spain
- On Wednesday 28 December the religious of the Vicariate of France-Spain held an assembly to receive the Acts of the Regional Chapter.
- Visit of the Cardinal of Bangui to the Diocese of Bouar
- On December 14, the parish of the Sacred Heart of Niem experienced an important event. For the first time in history, the parish welcomed the pastoral visit of Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Archbishop of Bangui.
- Beginning of the interregional novitiate
- The interregional novitiate began on 31 December with the celebration of the first vespers on the solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.
- NEF January 2023
- “So Betharramites who are walking together towards the 2023 General Chapter, do we want to join that dream?…
- Closing of the canonical year of the extraordinary Novitiate in Ivory Coast
- Adiapodoumé - On Monday, January 9, the canonical year of the extraordinary novitiate in the Vicariate of Ivory Coast, which began on January 8, 2022, came to an end.
- R.I.P.
- Today, January 22, the Lord of Life called to himself Fr. Pierre Monnot SCJ, of the community "Maison Neuve" in Betharram.
- Inauguration of the new house “Saint Michael Garicoïts Bhavan”, Simaluguri.
- Monday 12 January 2023 - This is how Fr Joseph Sathish Paul Raj, Superior of the Simaluguri community announces the inauguration of the “Saint Michael Garicoïts Bhavan”, the new residence of the Betharram community.
- Opening of the Regional Chapter of the “Saint Miriam Region”
- 23 January - The Saint Miriam Region started the Regional Chapter in the residence of Ban Betharram, Chiang Mai, with a retreat opened by a meditation led by Fr. Paul Pollack, sj, a member of the Jesuit community that runs the Seven Fountains Spirituality Center in Chiang Mai. In his talk, Father Paul, along the lines of a speech by Pope Francis, indicated the four pillars that support religious life: closeness to God, closeness to the superior, closeness to the brothers, closeness to the people of God.
- Final Profession of Br Stephen R. SCJ
- “And on that day you will say, Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name” (Is 12:4).
- Saint Miriam Regional Chapter Chiang Mai
- January 25: All three vicariates shared about their experience of mission and hopes for the future plus their financial anxieties in the present.
- In memoriam…
- Sunday, January 29, our Brother, Father Enrico Mariani SCJ, has returned to the Lord. Member of Albavilla community (Vicariate of Italy), Father Enrico was 81 of age and 54 years of religious profession.
- Perpetual profession
- January, 27 - On the morning of the last day of the Regional Chapter held in Chiangmai from 23 to 27 January, a solemn and joyful event crowned the work of the Chapter Assembly.
- The novices visit the NGO “Lifegate Garden”
- On Friday 27 January the community of the "St. Joseph" novitiate of Bethlehem, together with the Salesians students, who were having their annual retreat in our pilgrim house, visited in Beit Jala the NGO " Lifegate Garden”, a Center for the rehabilitation and reintegration of people with disabilities. The same NGO runs our pilgrim house next to the novitiate house.
- Spiritual exercises for the postulants of the Vicariate of Brazil
- From 22 to 26 January, in Passa Quatro (Brazil), the Spiritual Exercises with Ignatian methodology and Betharramite spirituality were held for the postulants of the Betharramite Vicariate of Brazil.
- NEF February 2023
- “Through baptism we share the same vocation, which is an invitation to cultivate fraternity and friendship in Christ, with small daily gestures that make us feel close to one another even though we are very different.” (Fr. Gustavo Agín SCJ)
- In memoriam…
- January 16, 2023 - Mr G. Maria Joseph, 74, father of Fr Arul Gnana Prakash SCJ, Regional Vicar In India, returned to the Father’s House, in the early hours of today, after a long illness.
- In memoriam…
- Thursday, February 16, Mr Giovanni Colombo, brother-in-law of Br. Angelo Sala SCJ, of the community "St Michael" of Bouar (Vicariate of the Central African Republic), died.
- In memoriam…
- On February 17, Mrs Lourdu Mary, 76, mother of Fr George Antony Anthonyswamy SCJ, of the community of Bangalore, Residence of St Lawrence, Bidar (Vicariate of India) has died.
- In memoriam…
- On March 3rd Mrs Salle Marie Severine, 19 years old, sister of Br Hubert Clément Salle SCJ of the interregional novitiate "Saint Joseph" of Bethlehem community, died.
- Council of the Congregation
- From 20 to 25 February, the members of the Council of the Congregation - appointed by the Superior General as preparatory Commission for the next General Chapter scheduled from 9 to 29 June in Chiang Mai (Thailand) - held a meeting at the Generalate in Rome.
- Come and See weekend
- The English Vicariate organised a “Come and See” weekend to explore the Gift of Religious life and Priesthood, from 24th February to 26th February 2023 at Shallowford Retreat House.
- “Betharramitas” February 2023
- You can read online the number 1 of February (2023) of the magazine of the Vicariate of Argentina-Uruguay “Betharramitas”.
- In memoriam…
- Today, March 11, Mrs Annamaria Sala, sister of Fr Graziano Sala SCJ, Bursar and Secretary General, of the Generalate community, died.
- Lenten desert for the novices
- On Friday, March 3, the community of the Noviciate of Bethlehem went through an experience of Lenten desert for half a day in the space dedicated to Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified in the Carmel of Bethlehem.
- NEF March 2023
- “We are not alone, we are still alive, the Master shows us the way!
- Assembly of the "Friends of the Shrines" Association in Betharram
- The general assembly of the "Friends of the Sanctuaries" Association was held on Saturday 11 March in the reception areas of the "Notre Dame" community of Betharram. Fr. Sylvain Dansou SCJ (Superior of the community), Fr. Reagan Vincent Raj SCJ and Fr. Laurent Bacho SCJ (Regional Vicar) represented the Congregation.
- Celebration for the beginning of the pastoral ministry of the Betharramite community in the Parish of Nossa Senhora da Conceição
- On Sunday 12 March, the Bishop of the Diocese of Serrinha, Mgr. Hélio Pereira, presided over the Eucharistic Celebration. It was attended by some priests from nearby parishes and marked the beginning of the pastoral ministry of the Betharramite community in the Nossa Senhora da Conceição Parish.
- St Patrick's Day Celebrations in Nottingham
- 17 March - In Nottingham, celebrations began early this morning at Our Lady & St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Meadows, where Parish Priest Father Wilfred Pereppadan SCJ welcomed Bishop Patrick McKinney, Bishop of Nottingham who celebrated Mass in honour of the fifth-century saint! Four Betharram Fathers joined the concelebration, Frs Wilfred, Athit, Pitak and Enrico. Br John and br Andrew were also present.
- Moments of life in the San José Parish of Asunción
- On March 19, the San José Parish of Asunción solemnly celebrated the Patron of the Congregation and the Parish.
- NEF April 2023
- “The discernment to be carried out in Betharram will not occur if we do not open ourselves to Jesus, to his gestures and words that express Life. It is not about reasoning out loud or expressing personal interests that appear under the name of “dreams”.
- In memoriam…
- On April 17, Mr ABA ABA Lechi, father of Br. Jean-Claude Djuraud SCJ, of the community of Saint-Michel of Pau (Vicariate of France-Spain), died at Oguedoume (Ivory Coast).
- First week of Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for the Novices in Bethlehem
- From 21 to 30 April the novices of the “St Joseph” Interregional Novitiate will experience the first week of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, guided by their Master, Fr. Stervin Selvadass SCJ.
- In memoriam ...
- On 24 April, in La Colmena (Paraguay) Mr. Mariano Torales, father of Br Victor Torales SCJ (Superior of the community of Puente Remanso - Vicariate of Paraguay) has died. He was 74 years old.
- In memoriam…
- On Tuesday 25 April, in Santiago del Estero (Argentina), Mrs. Eva Sandez de Monge, mother of the late Fr. Fabio Monge scj, a young Betharramite priest who died in 2005, returned to the Father's house. She was 75 years old.
- Walk on the path of the missionaries
- On April 24-29, a group of Betharramite religious (fathers and scholastics) and the Sisters of Maepon organized in Huay Tong the event "Walk in the footsteps of the missionaries".
- First pilgrimage of novices to holy places
- From Tuesday 2 to Saturday 6 May, after having finished the first part of the Ignatian retreat, the novices of the interregional novitiate "St. Joseph", accompanied by their Master Fr. Stervin Selvadass SCJ and Fr. Pietro Felet SCJ, Regional Vicar in the Holy Land (who acted as a guide), they went to visit some holy places.
- In memoriam...
- On May 4, Mrs. Françoise Landel, sister-in-law of Mgr. Vincent Landel SCJ, Bishop Emeritus of Rabat (Morocco), of the community of Pibrac (Vicariate of France-Spain) died.
- R.I.P.
- This morning, May 12, Fr. Jean Baptiste Olçomendy SCJ returned to the Father's House.
- NEF May 2023
- “We Betharramites want to walk together, but we will not be able to if we are trapped by our past. It is a past that we have honoured many many times, (why deny it?) But we have felt its weight, mired in great paradoxes that have caused us pain, shame or perplexity.
- Two newly ordained priests in the vicariate of India
- 4 May - It is a great moment for the Indian vicariate: two newly ordained priests have just been added to the “beautiful branch” in India. Rev. Fr. Packia Raj was ordained on 1st of May in his home town Kusavan Kulam in Tutucorin Diocese (Tamil Nadu), by the laying on of hands of Most Rev. Stephen Pillai the bishop of the diocese. On 2nd May Fr. Packia Raj celebrated his first Mass.
- Assembly of the Vicariate of France-Spain
- On Sunday 14 May, the religious of the Vicariate of France-Spain gathered in Betharram to celebrate Vespers and for a Holy hour of adoration together with around forty parishioners from the parish of Saint Michel Garicoïts in Coarraze-Nay.
- Fr Gustavo goes back to school
- 10 May - The community of Olton Friary had the honour and the joy of welcoming Fr. Gustavo Agìn, Superior General, during four weeks. The stated purpose of his stay was to deepen his knowledge of the English language, which is an important element for permanent formation in an international congregation.
- Betharram in Assam
- After arriving in India on 19 May, Fr. Enrico, SCJ, Regional Superior, accompanied by Fr. Antony Siluvai, Vicariate Bursar, spent the first days visiting the missions in Assam: Hojai, Langting and Hattikali,(mission centres with attached school entrusted by the bishops to Betharram); and Simaluguri and Dansila (school and parish founded by Betharram).
- Feast of St Michael Garicoïts in Ibarre
- Starting a new tradition, the betharramites of the Vicariate of France-Spain celebrated Saint Michael Garicoïts in Ibarre (his native village) on the Sunday closest to May 14.
- Celebrations in honour of St. Mary of Jesus Crucified in Pau
- On 19 and 20 May, the feast of the Transverberation of the heart of Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified was celebrated in Pau. It was presided over by Fr. William Maria Merchat (diocesan delegate of the Opera d'Oriente and professor at the Jean de la Croix institute, spirituality center of the Discalced Carmelite Province of Avignon-Aquitaine).
- First Profession
- On the Solemnity of HOLY SPIRIT two of our brothers Br. Vijol and Br. Sebin made their first profession in the hands of Rev Fr. Enrico Frigerio the Regional Superior.
- Diaconal ordination
- On the Feast Day of Visitation, there was a added joy in vicariate of India because of Br. Stephen R.
- In Memoriam…
- On 5 June, Mrs Dégni Dohon Cécile, sister of Fr Théophile Dégni N’Guessan SCJ, Vicar Regional in Ivory Coast, died.
- Opening of the XXVIII General Chapter
- On June 9, the XXVIII General Chapter of the Congregation opened with a solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Mgr. Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana, Bishop of the Diocese of Chang Mai.
- General Chapter of 10 June
- On 10 June the Chapter assembly met at 08.30.
- Report of the Superior General to the Chapter
- On June 11 we began the day by celebrating the Eucharist of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, at 8:30 am the session of the General Chapter reopened with the reading and proof of the minutes of the previous day.
- Day of recollection for the capitulants
- June 12: We began the day of recollection with the celebration of the Eucharist. At 8:30 a.m., the session opens with the first lecture. Father Miguel Garaizábal sj, Superior of the Jesuits in Thailand and friend of Betharram introduced us to the synodal experience of the Church with reference to the texts of Pope Francis.
- NEF June 2023
- “Dear Betharramites: As the 2023 General Chapter begins in Chiang Mai, we share with the entire religious and lay family of Betharram this desire to walk together with the People of God.
- Teamwork…
- The 5th day of the Chapter began at 8.30 am with a simple prayer. The minutes of the previous day was read by Fr. Wilfred Pereppadan scj. The session was moderated by Fr. Jean Luc Morin scj.
- A new path is becoming clear…
- Chiang Mai, 14 June - The work of the religious present at the Chapter is entering an important and constructive phase.
- In search of the main acts
- June 15: A new day dawned on the Betharramites of Chiang Mai. The Eucharistic celebration is the first appointment of the day.
- The feast of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Chiang Mai, 16 June - The day began with the celebration of the feast of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Eucharist was presided by Fr. Chan Kunu. In his reflection he emphasised on the significance of the Ecce Venio of the Heart of Jesus and the Ecce Ancilla of Mother Mary to be imitated in this Chapter for more involving and giving oneself.
- Br. Peter Phichet Wijunwayu SCJ and Br. Mathew Phanupan Shaichonnsrijinda SCJ ordained priests
- Saturday June 17th. The members of the General Chapter participated in the solemn concelebration in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Chiang Mai during which our brothers Peter Phichet Wijunwayu SCJ and Mathew Phanupan Shaichonnsrijinda SCJ were ordained priests by the laying on of hands of Mgr. Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana, Bishop of Chiang Mai.
- At work!
- 18 June - The day began with the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist, animated by the Region of St Michael Garicoïts.
- A new day at work
- June 19 - The day began with the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Raul. At 8.30 the Chapter began with the reading of the minutes of the previous day.
- Election day
- June 20 is an important day for the members of the General Chapter. Elections for the members of the General Administration who will lead the Congregation for the next six years are scheduled for today.
- A well deserved break…
- 21 June - Recovered by their emotions and thanksgiving yesterday on the occasion of the election of the Superior General and the members of his Council, the Capitulars resumed the work of the XXVIII General Chapter this morning.
- The work continues...
- On 22 June we began the day with the Eucharistic celebration presided over in Portuguese by Fr. Paulo Cesar Pinto scj, of the Vicariate of Brazil.
- The General Chapter has reached its 14th day…
- Chiang Mai, 23 June - We began the day with the Eucharistic celebration. It was presided by Fr. Wilfred and the prayer was organised by St. Miriam region.
- Specific topics
- Chiang Mai 24 June - As usual, the day began with the Eucharistic Celebration on the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, animated by the St. Michael Garicoits Region.
- In Betharramite mission places
- Chiang Mai June 25 - Sunday was spent outside the Jesuit center "The Seven Fountains", the place that hosts our Chapter. The capitulars lived a relaxing day: they went out to meet the brothers and in the Betharramite mission places.
- A tight job…
- Chiang Mai, June 26 - After a good relaxed day, we began our new day with the celebration of the Eucharist presided by Fr. Austin.
- Final days and closing of the XXVIII General Chapter
- June 27 and 28 were characterized by an intense work in order to approve the latest motions and to make some amendments to the Rule of Life.
- June 29: Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
- June 29 was experienced by all the capitulars as an extension of the great thanksgiving that had already begun the day before, when during the Eucharist each religious had shared the fruits of this Chapter. We celebrated with great fervour the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, pillars of the Church, missionaries of the Good News to the Jews and to non-Jews (Gentiles, Pagans).
- Flying visit
- On the 1st of July 2023, Ban Betharram Seminary and Ban Garicoits, at Samphran, welcomed the Chapter members from St Michael Garicoits Region, Fr Jean-Luc Morin SCJ, Regional Superior of the Saint Michael Region, Fr Laurent Bacho SCJ Regional Vicar in France-Spain, Fr Sylvain Dansou SCJ, Fr Angelo Recalcati SCJ and Br Emile Garat SCJ.
- In memoriam...
- On Monday July 10, Mr. Jorge Angarola, 90-year-old, father of Br. Gustavo Angarola SCJ, of the Barracas community of Buenos Aires (Vicariate of Argentina-Uruguay), returned to the Father's house.
- In Memoriam…
- On the July 12, Mr. Assanvo Désiré, 76, Br Emmanuel Assanvo’s father, of the community of Langhirano (Vicariate of Italy) died.
- In memoriam…
- On July 13, Mr Ségla Serge Bruno, brother of Fr Raoul Thibaut Ségla SCJ, Superior of the community of Katiola (Vicariate of Ivory Coast) passed away.
- NEF July 2023
- “We have lived a Chapter “with a Thai flavour” that has once again enriched our Betharramite history. Beyond our personal differences, we have felt challenged by the same desire: that this family of Betharram continue living the challenge of being light of the world and salt of the earth in a world that reaches for God but no longer remembers his taste.
- Br. Sergio Leiva scj ordained priest
- On July 9, in the Betharramite parish of the Sacred Heart in Ciudad del Este, Br. Sergio Leiva SCJ was ordained a priest by the laying on of hands of the Rt Rev Mgr. Heinz Wilhelm Steckling, O.M.I., Bishop of Ciudad del Este.
- Priestly ordination of Br. Fulgence SCJ and Diaconal ordination of Br. Emmanuel SCJ
- On Saturday, July 8, at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew of Yopougon, Br. Fulgence N'Guetta SCJ was ordained a priest by the laying on of hands of the Bishop of Yopougon, Mgr. Jean Salomon Lezoutié.
- Spiritual Retreat of the Betharramita Vicariate in Brazil
- From 10 to 13 July, the religious of the Vicariate of Brazil held the spiritual retreat in Passa Quatro - MG, at the São Miguel College.
- Betharramite Missionary Vocation Promotion
- In the parish of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, in Bahia, the "Betharramite Missionary Vocation Animation" is taking place.
- Spiritual Exercises for the novices of the “Saint Joseph” Interregional Novitiate
- The novices of the Interregional canonical novitiate "St. Joseph" of Bethlehem are doing the second part of their Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in the Betharramite house of Nazareth.
- First profession in the Vicariate of the Ivory Coast
- On Friday 28 July, on the solemnity of Our Lady of Betharram, the Vicariate of the Ivory Coast welcomed the first profession of Br Eugène Ishyirimbere SCJ.
- In memoriam…
- On 9 August in Bangui, in Central Africa, at the age of 61, Mr. Salle Clement, father of the novice Salle Clement Hubert, of the community of the "St. Joseph" interregional novitiate in Bethlehem returned to the Father's House.
- R.I.P.
- This morning, August 12, Fr. José Gogorza SCJ returned to the Father's House. He was 97 years of age and 80 years of religious life. He was a member of the community of Mendelu (Vicariate of France and Spain).
- In memoriam…
- On August 15, at the age of 86 years, Mr. Jean Baptiste Ruspil, brother of our brothers Fr. Joseph and Fr. Jean-Marie Ruspil SCJ (of the community of Saint-Palais and Pibrac, Vicariate of France-Spain) died in St Jean le Vieux (France).
- The General Council is underway for the appointment of Regional Superiors, Regional Vicars and Regional Bursars
- On 30 August, at the Generalate in Rome, the Superior General, Fr. Gustavo Agín SCJ, convened the General Council to officially open the consultations coming from all the Vicariates of the Congregation for the appointment of Regional Superiors, Regional Vicars and of the Regional Bursars, as required by the Rule of Life.
- In memoriam…
- On the 2nd of September, Mr Benedict Innamorati, aged 87, brother of Fr Dominic Innamorati SCJ, of the community of Olton (Vicariate of England) died, in Australia.
- Knowledge of the Regional Councils
- Today, 14 September, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the new Regional Superiors, the Regional Vicars and the Regional Bursars officially begin their service.
- NEF September 2023
- “As young people, you have experienced these days of joy. You have great dreams, but often fear that they may not come true; sometimes you think that you are not up to the challenge, which is a kind of pessimism that can overcome us at times. As young people, you may be tempted at this time to lose heart, to think you fall short, or to disguise your pain with a smile…
- Feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Bidar Mission
- On 8th of September 2023 we celebrated the feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Bidar Mission, Karnataka lndia. The place of our ministry is among the majority of the Christian community. Though many are baptised into catholic faith, they still live in Methodist ways.
- Installation of Fr. Luke Kriangsak Kitsakulwong SCJ as Regional Vicar of Thailand
- The formation community of Sampran, Thailand is delighted and grateful to God the Almighty for the installation of Fr. Luke Kriangsak SCJ during the solemn Eucharistic celebration on 13th September 2023.
- Spiritual Exercises in the Vicariate of Ivory Coast
- From 11 to 15 September, the annual Spiritual Exercises for the religious of the Vicariate of the Ivory Coast took place in the formation community of Adiapodoumé.
- A prayer service to celebrate the Season of Creation 2023 in Nottingham
- On September 20, 2023, the Parish Pastoral Council, with the support of SCJ Nottingham community conducted a prayer service to celebrate the Season of Creation 2023, inspired by the recent directives of the general chapter urging communities to engage in local initiatives for the common home's care.
- Perpetual profession of Br. Hyacinthe Akpa N'Cho SCJ
- On Saturday 16 September, after a week-long spiritual retreat of the religious of the Vicariate of the Ivory Coast, Fr. Jean-Dominique Delgue SCJ, Vicar General, received the perpetual vows of Br. Hyacinthe Akpa N'Cho SCJ on behalf of the Superior General, Fr. Gustavo Agin SCJ.
- Sponsored Walk for Missions - Supporting a Good Cause
- On Saturday, September 23, 2023, the SCJ English Vicariate, in collaboration with the laity, participated in a sponsored walk to raise funds for missions. The event took place in Droitwich, where participants gathered at Church-fields farm to embark on a scenic journey along the Worcester-Droitwich canal and through the fields.
- “Betharramitas” September 2023
- You can read online the number 8 of September (2023) of the magazine of the Vicariate of Argentina-Uruguay “Betharramitas”.
- Meeting of the Betharramite Missionary Youth in Martín Coronado
- From the 22nd to the 24th of September, the ENJUMITA (Meeting of the Youth of the Betharramite Missionaries) took place at the Retreat House of the College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Martín Coronado, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- The Superior General at the Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals
- On Saturday the 30th of September, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa, was created Cardinal by Pope Francis in the public consistory celebrated in St. Peter's Square.
- In Memoriam…
- Mrs Huguette, mother of Martine, our Secretary at the Generalate, died on 5 October. She was 89 years old.
- 20th anniversary of the FVD Group
- Last September 14th, the “F.V.D.” Group celebrated its 20th anniversary of foundation, twenty years of journeying together in the constant search to be witnesses of the Gospel.
- 2023 Betharramite missions of the F.V.D. Group
- On 28, 29, 30 September and 1 October, like every year, the FVD Group engaged in the traditional mission period which took place in La Colmena-Paraguarí, where the members of the Group, the new guests and the different people present shared joyful moments with us.
- Perpetual profession of Br. Jean-Claude Djiraud scj
- On Sunday 1st of October, Fr. Jean-Dominique Delgue SCJ, Vicar General of the Congregation, received the perpetual vows of Br. Jean-Claude Djiraud SCJ.
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