2023 Betharramite missions of the F.V.D. Group
On 28, 29, 30 September and 1 October, like every year, the FVD Group engaged in the traditional mission period which took place in La Colmena-Paraguarí, where the members of the Group, the new guests and the different people present shared joyful moments with us.
We visited the homes of Jahapety, Barrero Azul, Potrero Alto, Carpinelli and Tucuman. The FVD Group was accompanied, helped and supported by Fr. Javier Irala SCJ, Fr. Tobia Sosio SCJ, Fr. Sergio Leiva SCJ, Fr. Alcides Riveros Diaz SCJ, Fr. Mario Sosa SCJ and Fr. José Larrosa SCJ, by Br Victor Torales SCJ, by two seminarians and an aspirant.
The missionaries went to share the Gospel with all the families, bringing a lot of joy and love. At the end, workshops were held for children and young people and Holy Mass was celebrated.
It was a very special mission because the Group celebrated "10 years of walking together towards your mission" as our slogan said. 10 years of the dream of seven young people.
A dream that seemed impossible and that those young people decided to make it come true by not remaining idle, but doing something great and going out to share the same joy and love of God.
Forward, always forward, until you reach the stars.
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