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France - Betharram, May 26, 2024

Feast of St. Michael’s day, on May 14, 2024 at Betharram

On the occasion of the celebration of Saint Michael’s day, the religious of the Vicariate of France and Spain gathered for an assembly at Betharram.

Feast of St. Michael’s day, on May 14, 2024 at Betharram

The assembly allowed everyone to share the life of the communities and the Vicariate. During the meeting, the religious received a report on the 2023 accounts and discussed the resources needed to meet the increased financial needs.

At the center of the day, the Eucharist, celebrated in St. Michael's Chapel, brought together SCJ Fathers & Brothers, friends of the Sanctuaries, the students of the school with the principal and the Pastoral Animators, as well as pilgrims passing through. The mass was presided over by Fr. Bertrand Chevallier of the diocese of Tarbes-Lourdes.

Here is an extract from the welcome greetings by Fr. Jean-Marie Ruspil SCJ, Regional Vicar:

“We come to this celebration with our sorrows and our joys (…), the generosity and benevolence experienced throughout the seasons of life of our sanctuaries, the dynamism and happiness of a healthy education delivered in "Le Beau Rameau” school of Betharram and Igon, our religious missioning communities, who express in our modest Vicariate the international and intercultural character of our Congregation of Betharram.

Today more than ever the religious of the Vicariate feel called to say: “Here I am, Lord, without delay, without reservations, without return, for love”. »

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