News 2024
NEF September 2024
“Our Lord calls those he wants at his side, with a single irresistible word: “Follow me”. And so Matthew, leaving the tax table, got up and followed him... What power can a single word contain to attract forever the heart of a great sinner!...
Priestly ordination of Br. Agniman Assanvo Emmanuel SCJ, Br. N’Cho Akpa Hyacinthe SCJ and Br. Djiraud Jean-Claude SCJ
On Sunday, September 8, in the parish of St. Bernard in Adiapodoumé, Fr. Agniman Assanvo Emmanuel SCJ, Fr. N’Cho Akpa Hyacinthe SCJ and Fr. Djiraud Jean-Claude SCJ were ordained priests in a solemn and joyful celebration, presiede by Mgr. Jean Salomon Lezoutié, Bishop of Yopougon.
Annual retreat of the community in Vietnam
After the missionary experiences during the summer holidays (from June to August), during which four scholastic brothers were engaged in pastoral activities in the diocese of Thanh Hoa (2) and in the diocese of Vinh (2), from Wednesday 21st am to Sunday 25th August pm, our community lived the annual spiritual exercises in the retreat house of the Benedictine Sisters.
First profession of Br. Aymar SCJ
On August 15, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven, the Vicariate of Central Africa gathered in the Parish of “O. L. of Fatima” in Bouar to celebrate the first profession of the novice Aymar.
In memoriam…
July 27, 2024 - England, Olton | Mrs Christine Fullard, born in 1927, passed away on July 27th, 2024.
First Communions and Confirmations at the Betharramite Mission Center in Simaluguri (Assam), India, and the laying of the foundation stone of the school building
On Sunday, August 11, 115 students received the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation from the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Guwahati, Rt Rev Dr John Moolachira, in the presence of Fr. Wilfred Pereppadan SCJ, Regional Superior, and all the priests and sisters of the neighbouring parishes and the faithful of the Betharram Sacred Heart Church, Simaluguri.
“Betharram en América” August 2024
You can read online the number of August (2024) of the magazine of the Fr Auguste Etchécopar Region “Betharram en América”.
In memoriam…
On August 26, Mrs Mary Naugeiz Kraipimonkul, 91, mother of Fr Jailertrit Michael Tidkham SCJ, Superior of the community of Maepon (Vicariate of Thailand and Vietnam) has died.
First Week of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for the Novices of the Interregional Novitiate of Bethlehem
One of the specific elements in Betharramite formation is to create a deep awareness of oneself (Formation Guide, 62).
Solemnity of Our Lady of Betharram and perpetual profession of Br. Salomon SCJ and Br. Aurélien SCJ
In the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Betharram, on Sunday 28 July, a great celebration took place. Together with the religious from all the communities of the Vicariate of France and Spain, the young people of the international formation session, the lay people of the “Me voici” fraternity, the feast of the Virgin of the Beautiful Branch was celebrated.
Meeting between the young religious of the international session and the elderly SCJ Fathers of the “Notre-Dame de Bétharram” care home.
On 15 July, a meeting between the young people of the international session and the elderly Fathers residing at “Notre-Dame de Bétharram” rest home.
The session in view of final profession started with pilgrimages.
The first week of the formation session in view of final profession was dedicated to pilgrimages. Our young brothers visited the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Betharram with deep devotion. Then they went up the hill of the Way of the Cross in prayer; the day after they went to Lourdes with the same devotion.
NEF July 2024
“We Betharramites need to channel our affections as consecrated people, so that each person who comes to us can find a safe space where they can be cared for, protected and respected, as we witness to Jesus Christ, humbled and obedient, who invites us to live this beatitude: ‘Blessed are the pure in heart because they will see God’ (Mt 5.8).” (Fr. Gustavo Agín SCJ)
Beginning of the session for final profession
On 8 July, at Betharram, Fr. Gustavo Agín SCJ, Superior General, opened to the 2024 International Session regarding final profession.
Conclusion of the formation session for the formators of the Congregation
"You have a rich document at hand: the Ratio Formationis, a guide for formation. A truly effective manual, a quality guide. You must apply the principles that are sincerely contained in your mission as formators”.
International session of formation for the Congregation's Formators
“The General Chapter asks the Superior General and his council as well as the Regional Superior to organize an international meeting of all the formators” (Acts of the 28th General Chapter, n. 87). After having met the Betharramite formation team, the Superior General convoked the international meeting of all the formators. 18 formators had been invited.
Vocation Weekend in the English Vicariate
The English Vicariate organised a Vocation Weekend called “Come and See” to explore the gift of vocation to the religious life and priesthood. The event took place from June 21st to 23rd, 2024, at Dupuis, Selly Park, Birmingham.
Closing of the community year in Adiapodoumé
On June 26, the community of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram of Adiapodoumé (Ivory Coast) gave thank to the Lord during the closing mass of the community and academic year 2023-2024.
In memoriam…
On June 29, Mr Giancarlo Riva, brother of Fr Aurelio Riva SCJ, of the community of Paulinia (Vicariate of Brazil) passed away.
In memoriam...
Friday, June 28, died Mr Sahayaraj, brother of Fr Fernando Michael Bistis SCJ, of the community of formation of Sampran (Vicariate of Thailand).
A New Member at Bethlehem “St. Joseph’s Inter-Regional Novitiate”
Jijoe Antony Kurusu – a Postulant from the Region of St. Mary of Jesus Crucified, belongs to the vicariate of India – joined the St. Joseph Inter-Regional Novitiate on 04.06.2024. Then, he made his 5 days of retreat and began his canonical year of Novitiate with the community celebration on 12.06.2024.
The Bishop of Nottingham blesses the new residence, home of the community
On May 23, 2024, Bishop Patrick McKinney of the Diocese of Nottingham visited our SCJ community in Nottingham to bless the new community house and present the certificate officially founding the new Betharram community house.
Feast of St Michael Garicoïts and institution of three scholastics as Readers
May 14th marked the 161st anniversary of the birth in heaven of Saint Michael Garicoïts, Founder of the Congregation of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Feast of Saint Michael in Asunción (Paraguay)
On Tuesday 14 May, the "FVD" Group of Asunción (Paraguay) celebrated the feast of Saint Michael Garicoïts, and they did so first by participating in the Eucharistic Table at the San José Parish, then with a simple dinner of fraternal sharing in the spaces of the College.
NEF June 2024
“On the surface of the earth, we see wars, division, abuses, conflicts, personalisms, poverty, misery, anguish; but at the same time, we, apostles of the Sacred Heart, can do much with the Grace of God: we are like that grain of wheat that dies to give life!
In memoriam...
On 7 June, in Urrugne (France) Mr. Martin Zugarramurdi, father of Fr Gérard Zugarramurdi SCJ (Superior of the community of Côte Basque - Vicariate of France and Spain) has died. He was 94 years old.
Celebration days in the Vicariate of Thailand and Vietnam
On May 9 and 10, the religious of the Vicariate of Thailand and Vietnam celebrated our Founder, Saint Michael Garicoits: gathered for the Vicariate assembly, they participated in the celebration of the final profession of F. Nicholas Surasak scj and celebrated the 25th anniversary of the priestly ordination of Fr. Michael Tidkham Jailertrit scj.
A renewed Betharramite Vocation Apostolate in the Vicariate of Paraguay
Since last year, in the Vicariate of Paraguay, we have seen the importance and need to carry on promoting Vocational Youth Ministry within the framework of a new ecclesiality. In an assembly of the religious of the Vicariate, Fr. Sergio Leiva SCJ was appointed responsible for the Vocation Apostolate, in collaboration with the religious in charge in each community.
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