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You are here:Home / News / News 2023 / Installation of Fr. Luke Kriangsak Kitsakulwong SCJ as Regional Vicar of Thailand
Thailand - Sampran, Sep 20, 2023

Installation of Fr. Luke Kriangsak Kitsakulwong SCJ as Regional Vicar of Thailand

The formation community of Sampran, Thailand is delighted and grateful to God the Almighty for the installation of Fr. Luke Kriangsak SCJ during the solemn Eucharistic celebration on 13th September 2023.

Installation of Fr. Luke Kriangsak Kitsakulwong SCJ as Regional Vicar of Thailand

The day was filled with joyful activities in which the minor and major seminarians of the formation houses i.e. Ban Betharram and Ban Garicoits, joined together at Ban Garicoits formation house for a fellowship football match in the evening. The joy of the football match continued with the Thanksgiving Eucharist in which Fr. Luke Kriangsak presided the celebration and concelebrated by Fr. Dominic Athit Kasetsukchai SCJ, Fr. Michael Bistis Fernando SCJ, Fr. John Bosco Sommai Sopa-Opaad SCJ and Fr. Weerasak Supaperm of Udon dioceses of Thailand whose encouraging homily was indeed great motivation for Betharram mission in Thailand. The young in formation and the companions of Betharram were part of the joy of the day. During the felicitation ceremony, Fr. Luke Kriangsak was assured of the continuous prayerful support of the religious and lay Betharramites and was felicitated and encouraged by the members of the community. The celebration culminated with the fellowship agape and words of gratitude by Fr. Luke Kriangsak SCJ.

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