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Oct 14, 2013

World Youth Day 2013 (2)

In 1986 when he launched the World Youth Days Jean Paul II wanted to be in contact with the youth of the whole world, show them that the Church had trust in them, and share his faith in Jesus Christ with them. Since then the WYD have become a real “festival of faith.” Along with the young pilgrims from all corners of the globe many religious are now taking part in this adventure of faith-sharing which is spent in singing, dancing, sleeping outdoors in a sleeping bag, long walks with bubbling youth. This experience leaves a lasting impression on these religious.

Today too, as always, the Lord needs you, young people, for his Church. My friends, the Lord needs you! Today too, he is calling each of you to follow him in his Church and to be missionaries. The Lord is calling you today! Not the masses, but you, and yo

Fr Sebastian Garcia scj, Argentina.

Three adjectives can describe World Youth Day:
• Joyful: it was the young peoples’ festival of life and faith!
• Intense: that was the rhythm of our days. For the celebrations singing and dancing were followed by times of profound silence and prayer; then there was the distance between us and what was organised on the beach at Copacabana. We could follow the whole journey in the middle of the crowds with the simple worry of not missing the train or the Underground taking us back to the school where we were staying.
• Fraternal: All of us who took part in the WYD felt that we were really brothers, regardless of the differences of culture or language, regardless of the climate, the rain, the cold or distances. This was of minor importance. What was really important was to have enjoyed the presence of Jesus and of Pope Francis in this new Pentecost for the Church.

What I experienced with the young people was most enriching; I felt that I had grown in faith and hope. It was really an event of the Holy Spirit where God pours out his Grace. The presence of God in the WYD was really felt here in Rio. The fact to have shared their lives, as much during the Days as during the pre-Days in Paulinia, where we got to know the parishioners, visiting them in their homes, going on mission in different quarters, was a most fruitful experience. Doors were wide open, glasses of a cooling drink of water against the fatigue, faith shared in the prayers which each recited in his own tongue. And at Rio itself the festivity was total. What was most extraordinary was seeing the joy of the young pilgrims and of a Pope so young in spirit, just like ourselves there present. We appreciated the presence of Pope Francis with his mannerisms, his words of encouragement, his message, his preaching; he bucked us up by his simple presence.

The fact of being present at the WYD with all those young people encourages me to renew how I can be a companion to all those young people whom God puts on my way to be a presence beside them; to “make noise, look after the young and the old, and not to tone down my faith” as the Pope invited us to do. It encourages me to be “a saint in jeans and trainers”, a believer who can be believed.

The fact that I got to know young Betharramites from the four corners of the world made me aware of the internationality of the Congregation, of the diversity of Betharramite looks in the world, and consider that to be a rich experience.

As I return home from Rio I know that the WYD are not over yet but are the beginning of a fresh departure in my daily task of being of service to my brothers, especially the poor and the young, and those whose life and faith are most at risk, so as to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ to them.


Br. Emile Garat scj, France
We spent ten days in Brazil where we discovered a faith both colourful and joyful. From 18 to 23 July we were in the diocese of Paulina. We were welcomed by the Betharramite community and parishioners who received us with great simplicity and joy. The young people with their Betharramite leaders came from Paraguay, Argentina, Italy and France. It was a time of fraternal meetings, prayer, sharing, visits and festivities. We were very touched by the welcome which we received from our Brazilian brothers. We were able to discover the reality of life for our Brazilian brothers.

As for me as leader the WYD has been a time of listening to the young people so as to be aware of what today’s young people are going through in their everyday life. I had the joy of accompanying Camille and Aude and sometimes we were able to share on how we live our faith in everyday life. To be a leader is a privilege on condition to be challenged on how to nourish one’s faith and be faithful to it and when one has chosen to give one’s life for the service of God and of man. The “Here I am, Lord” is the reply to be given every day; it invites me to reflect with my brothers in the Vicariate on how to build or at least to encourage the fraternity of young people based on the spirituality of St Michael. That is a dream that could become a reality.


Br. Sixto Benitez scj, Paraguay
Thanks to the invitation from the Congregation, I was lucky to be present for the first time at the WYD which were held in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The day before at Paulinia where I shared the daily existence of the young people from Our Lady of Betharram parish enabled me to have a very fruitful meeting with other young people very committed in their local Church and with other young people from several countries where the Congregation is present.

The day spent with the Pope at Rio de Janeiro bolstered me up no end; I was swept up when I saw so many young people captivated by the Lord, through the person of the Pope.

I am speechless when I try to say how rich this experience was for me: to feel and see how God constantly makes his presence felt in my life through those who follow Christ without ever expecting any reward from him. The love which unites us all, whatever our nationality fills us with the same faith and desire: reach happiness. Saint Michael would tell us to desire this same happiness for our brothers. Three words come to mind just now to sum up this experience: love, kindness and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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