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Mar 14, 2013

Family News - 2013 March 14th

Family News - 2013 March 14th



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A wrote from the Superior General



Every association whether in the Church or in secular society is organised thanks to an authority which, according to its rules, is recognised by the totality of its members.  Every group of individuals needs an authority which will guarantee the safeguard of certain projects which distinguish it from other groups and which, all those forming part of it, can reach.  When the person in charge of the authority no longer fulfils it, the place is open for the cleverest or the strongest, something which will not be in the best interests of those charged with guiding the enterprise.

The purpose of our religious family is best expressed in No 177 of our Rule of Life:  “By their perpetual profession, all religious equal in dignity and their activity, participate … in the family project.  They work (...) to build up the Body of Christ according to God’s design, careful to live in the footsteps of Christ in communion with the Congregation and the Church”.
Chapter 8 of the Rule of Life expresses in some detail the exercise of authority and the organisation of the government in our religious family.  The type of government in our religious family is not copied from political models but from the Gospels.  “Jesus called them to himself and said to them: ‘You know that among the pagans their so-called rulers lord it over them, and their great men make their authority felt.  This is not to happen among you.  No; anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be slave of all.  For the Son of Man himself did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  (Mark 10, 43-45)
No domineering should exist among us, no master class, or as in the case of rulers of this world, we are not to make our authority felt.  Our life-style should be one of service, like that of Jesus in the Gospels.  In the Gospels to serve means placing ourselves at the level of the brother, sometimes even lower, as we seek the good of the individual and of his vocation in our family.  To serve in truth and in love, the member of the community who holds authority must be prepared to risk his life, his prestige, his honour, and his comfort in keeping with that other Gospel law: “For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, and for the sake of the Gospel, will save it”  (Mark 8, 35).  In article 176 of our Rule of Life the aims of the function of authority for our family are clearly set out:  “In the Congregation those who receive the responsibility of authority are in the service of communion, of discernment of the Will of God, of the support of the vocation of each person, of the unfolding of the mission of the Congregation in fidelity to the charism received by St Michael Garicoïts”.  This means that those who  have received the service of authority, whether elected or appointed, must respect each religious in his vocation, encourage participation in community life and the mission, facilitate fraternity in community, by a sharing of the life, faith, prayer, goods and the mission (Rule No 178).  The service of authority also involves making decisions and seeing to their application so as to attain the raison d’etre of the institute and the common good of all its members taken one by one (Rule No 176).  The exercise of authority in the spirit of the Gospel goes hand  in glove with obedience in the same spirit, publically professed by all the religious.  Freely and lovingly, trusting and creative (Rule No 177), obedience according to the Gospels is founded on the same law which determines the service of authority:  “For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; and anyone who loses his life for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel will save  it” (Mark 8,35).  Just as the religious who made profession to follow Christ obedient, so too the Superior, whether elected or appointed, puts his footsteps in those of Christ-servant. Just as any superior risks his life in service, so too each religious risks his in obeying  They both sacrifice their personal projects for the good of the Congregation after discernment in community, during Chapters or Councils and thus they participate in the mission of the Church at the heart of the Congregation in the same way as they decided for the profession of the three vows.
And so it is that authority and obedience are at the service of communion as stipulated by articles 176, 177 and 179.  It illustrates the unity of the community and the Church at every level.  It is not a question of uniformity but rather welcoming and respecting diversity of peoples, groups or cultures with their differences.  This is what is meant by “that all may be one” so dear to the heart of St Michael Garicoïts.  Communion is constructed when each one is faithful to the Word of God put into practice, to the celebration and communion from the unique Bread of Life, the brotherhood, solidarity with the poorest, the joyful witness to a Christian way of life, announcing Jesus Christ as Lord and friend of mankind.  The Body of Christ is constructed in communion; the Church is a mystery of missionary communion.
In line with the rich tradition of the history of consecrated life and of the Church, our Rule of Life alternates collegial government with General and Regional Chapters, the personal government of superiors and vicars at every level.  Furthermore, decisions which are binding must be taken with the consent of councils also at every level; this is how the authority of superiors has its limits and the possibility of autoritarisme is avoided.

Gaspar Fernández Pérez, SCJ


smichel.jpgSaint Michael Garicoïts wrote...

What should we avoid? Answer:  A most dangerous illusion which maintains that what we desire is the best. What should we do to avoid such a dangerous pitfall, to get used to desiring nothing, doing nothing except under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with the very pure intention of honouring God who desires to be the beginning and end of all our actions? Answer: To achieve all this, here is what we have to do: Deploy ever greater zeal in fulfilling my actual duties; Renunciation of one’s will; Perfect imitation of Our Lord; Prayer;
Examination of consciousness. Thus our will, founded and regulated on the Will of God, will be in perfect harmony with God’s Will, so that we will love what God loves with the sole intention of pleasing Him fully and thus procuring his glory. (M 401)





Mariana Dondo & Maria Belen Beviacqua



Congratulations to Mariana Dondo and Maria Belen Beviacqua, winners of the competition for the realisation of a logo celebrating the 150 anniversary of the death of St Michael Garicoits.  Chosen by the Commission from 16 other projects from the four continents, this logo will accompany us from the 14 May onwards, marking the opening of our Jubilee.

Mariana and Maria Belen are in the final year of their secondary education at the Colegio San Jose, Buenos Aires, founded by the Congregation in 1858.  These two nineteen year old students are preparing a Baccalaureate in communications.  Their participation in the competition is part of an educational programme organised by M. Juan Martinovich, plastic arts teacher.
The judging panel was composed of members of  the Council of the Congregation. They announced the winners on 26 January 2013 after taking the advice of two lay persons, Mme Paola Menaglia (art director) and Mr. Vito Falco (graphic designer) and after careful examination of all the projects submitted. The General Council wants to thank all those who took part and look forward to meeting Mariana and Maria Belen in Rio de Janeiro of course.








Humility, foundation of all the virtues. This message is expressed by two meek doves perched on the brim of a cup, on one of the coat of arms of the ironwork railings in the chapel of Saint Michael Garicoïts in Betharram: emblem of the souls submitted to the will of God. How to be humble? By following the example of Christ, humble right from his birth.  How did Saint Michael Garicoïts himself follow this example?

In the founding text (the Manifesto) St Michael Garicoits presents Jesus to us as “obedient before God, doing nothing on his own, always acting under God’s Holy Spirit, constantly submitted to God’s orders”.  In the Mystery of the Incarnation he finds a perfect example of the humility which becomes a source of his contemplation and leads him to reach the decision to adopt it as a model: “Our Lord Jesus Christ said to us: ‘You must take the last place.’  It’s what he did.  If we had a poor opinion of ourselves we would find that this is the normal position for us.  We wouldn’t be comparing ourselves with others. Out with comparisons!  Once in the lowest position there is nothing lower! There is room neither for comparisons nor for choice.  Oh! Let us imitate Our Lord Jesus Christ.” (DS 175).
For him, Bethlehem is the best example of the humiliation and dejection which he was trying to reproduce in the midst of his brethren.
But this demanded a radical conversion for him. As a young priest surrounded by crowds of well wishers, whether in the parish at Cambo or later on as a young lecturer in Philosophy at Betharram, he was tempted to have his revenge after the humiliations suffered during his youth or in pursuit of his studies.  He was a servant at Oneix, at the presbytery at Saint Palais, or at the bishop’s house in Bayonne. He imagined that he was an expert: “No longer a shepherd boy living in dire poverty, I looked upon myself as an upstart dandy with my fashionable footware, buckled shoes, instead of shepherd’s clogs! Then I came across “Good Sister Elizabeth”. The holyness of that chosen soul, her religious life and poverty, made me think: Was I going astray?” (From Fr Brunot, p. 39).  At Igon he became aware of a conversion not to be put off.
From then onwards he chose a new life style in which appearances were worthless and could even be an obstacle to happiness.  St Michael’s favourite formula: “God is everything – I’m nothing” wasn’t just a simple slogan.  It became his travel warrant.  He understands that God the Creator is the giver of all the benefits which he is enjoying.  Relying on God in all humility was to become the sole route in his experience as a founder.

Living humility today
For us, religious and laity of Betharram, this is the route to real happiness which St Michael is offering us today.   Humility is often considered a form of self depreciation in today’s world acceptable for those who lack the courage to face life to be well placed.  Humility has such a low profile in today’s competitive society that it seems necessary to crush the competitor to prove one’s worth and be held in high esteem.
For us who are faithful to the spirituality of Fr Garicoits, humility is necessary in our relations with God and with others.  The Gospel wants us to know how to accept our talents as God given gifts for the service of others.  A good measure of self esteem is necessary for the construction of a fraternal community or a family where everyone feels happy where he is.  
A correct dose of self appreciation requires a lot of humility and lucidity.  It’s a fact that we need to be aware of our qualities on condition of not being blinded by our limitations; otherwise it’s all an illusion.  “From all illusions, deliver us, Lord”, was the prayer of Blessed Miriam of Jesus Crucified and one which would be very necessary for each one of us.  Let’s not forget to watch out for all forms of our pride which make life so complicated for us making us despise others and keeping them off our radar.
Lent could be that grace filled time when we shall realise a real conversion in our life style, or as St Michael would say, putting  our “ego”, and our “care of self” to one side allowing others their vital space.  May our prayer to Mary, model of humility, accompany our daily struggle. “Would that we were as humble as the Blessed Virgin !” (DS 170) says St Michael.

What experiences have been ours in seeking greatness, clamouring for a title or for a promotion which have caused us to waste energy or have been a source of disappointments?

On the other hand how have we been happy on seeing others be themselves and assume their proper place in society?

In a world where we tend to blame others for our failures, how can the admission of our own responsibility be an element of construction?

We are “vessels of clay in the hands of God” (cf 1 Cor 4,7).  How can we be encouraged by this statement from St Paul?

Laurent Bacho, SCJ


Fourth and last step of an itinerary of personal and community meditation proposed by Frs Gaston Hialé and Philippe Hourcade, scj.
On returning to his Father, Christ promises his disciples that he will send them another Advocate:  it is the Spirit who is continuing the Son’s mission, keeps his presence alive in the Church.  St Michael calls him the “master of the interior life”, the “master of our hearts” for it is he who enlivens our love for Christ’s humanity, source of our profound obedience and of our mission.
As a child in Ibarre, St Michael had a deep longing to reach to heaven!  He gave concrete expression to this urge during his life through the urge of the Incarnate Word:  “Here I am through love!”  He died on the morning of the Ascension at 03.00; this was the time at which he usually started  his day;  the Lord allowed him to realise his old desire by his birth in Heaven!

Beginning the meeting:  community prayer
Veni Creator.
John Chapter 14, 15-22, 26-27.

Sharing with the help of a text on the charism
These inspired words of Saint Michael invite us to a deep inner freedom on the strength of the Holy Spirit.  He it is who gives life to everything!  We need only one direction in sharing this text:  what link do we make between “Here I am!”, which the Holy Spirit inspires and expresses in our lives as consecrated men, and the fidelity, the religious obedience (manifested by the Rule and superiors)?

Rereading our religious life in the light of the Manifesto
For this meeting we are taking the last paragraph of the Manifesto:
“At the sight of this marvellous spectacle, the priests of Betharram felt drawn to dedicate themselves to imitating Jesus, humble and obedient, and to working wholeheartedly to bring the same happiness to others, under the protection of Mary; she was always disposed to do what God wanted and was always submissive to what God did.
They have taken St Michael and St. Ignatius Loyola as their patrons.

First of all take a new look at these expressions from the Manifesto:  “the priests of Betharram felt drawn to dedicate themselves to imitating Jesus ... to bring the same happiness for others”.  After some very difficult years and in the face of many changes yet to come, our family has adopted a new Rule of Life;    this is “a favourable moment”, a moment of grace!  How are we going to welcome it into our lives as men who are consecrated-disciples?

Community Prayer with the Rosary
For our prayer we take the Glorious Mysteries: the Ascension of Jesus and the Pentecost Day.
With a heart open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit which makes us cry out both:  “ABBA!” and “Brothers”. 





The “Me Voici” fraternity (France) celebrated their 2013 retreat with great peace (despite the cold wet weather) on the 9 and 10 February with the Little Sisters of Mary the Redeemer at Castelnau d’Estretefonds (North of toulouse). There were 21 of us who, thanks to Fr Enrico Frigerio, the General Vicar, were going to discover and deepen the joy of our faith, abandonment “in our present situation” and the resulting mission in the light of the Gospel helped by St Michael Garicoits (and other saints).
4 talks were programmed, together with information about Betharram in its world mission, and a meeting with Sister Marie Liesse, superior of the convent.



Faith is the meeting with a real living person and which transforms us to the depths of our being, showing us that we are people loved by God!  Faith involves our whole person.  It requires our answer freely given to recognise him who gives us the gift of faith, as expressed in the Credo.
Faith demands trust in a reality which cannot be seen but must be lived in the concrete.  Faith leads to Hope.
And so we can experience the Joy of Faith, in total abandonment.  Faith alone can fill our Desires.  Examples are to be found in “pilgrimages”.
My God, what do you want me to do in my present situation?
To be in my place, the place where God has set me, and accept to do the good which I am asked to do, with peace and serenity! It means abandonment in trusting Love.  “Perform the little deeds in as great a manner as possible” is the experience given us by God.  To accept our limitations is to admit that we are human and allow salvation in the incarnation (following Christ).  But such a choice and such a response is where the Cross is to be found.

Joy. Rejoice, O Mary!

It is a gift in the process of fidelity to the Spirit.  Joy is its fruit, the prelude to the fullness of the Kingdom.
The Gospel.  The Good News announces a great Joy to us!  Brought by Jesus in his human life, this joy reaches maturity through renunciations and sufferings.  In the Beatitudes Joy is for now!  Happiness: “Jesus exults in Spirit.”
It is not the redeeming sufferings of past ages but accepting to weep, to forget, to forgive, through love and following the Spirit.
Mary shows us her joy at the Annunciation and the Visitation.

The Mission. Emmaus.

The two disciples, now quite shattered, head for home; but they reflect within themselves.  They accept the situation: talk, chat, finally discuss.
Jesus has opened their eyes, their heart, their ears to the meaning of Scriptures. Scripture has become the gateway to Faith now continued by the Church. The disciples set out for Jerusalem, armed with a new mission.  
The mission follows a meeting and listening to Jesus.
To live according to the Spirit, cultivate one’s interior life, read the Word of God, and take the time to live  will allow our witness to pass by our actions and sometimes by our words.  “As the Father has sent me, so also I am sending you”

There is the where -with -all to prepare our hearts and all our being for this St Michael’s Year.
Note:  Te report on the Fraternity for the year and the WE in July brought this retreat to a close. Our grateful thanks go to Fr Enrico who didn’t hesitate about coming to Rome.

Benoît Loze



5 MIN WITH ...

... the community of Bangalore


More than 8 million people ... among them 10 betharramites ( with novices and postulants), this is Bangalore, the crawling  capital city of Karnataka, South India.
About 20 years ago, Br Michael Richards, from England, went to Bangalore to supervise the construction of the first betharramite house in India and carried along with him a small branch of betharramite spirituality.  2013: The house is built around a courtyard decked with flowers and gives shelter to an ever young community (this is a privilege of a formation community!). Concerned about offering its small branch of betharramite spirituality to all those in need, they have discovered quite recently the joy of being missionary ad gentes.

NEF: Betharram’s History in India began quite recently. How did the Congregation come to be present in this country and, especially, in Bangalore?

-The concrete presence of Betharram in India came into reality with the foundation of our first formation house: Shobhana Shaakha blessed by the Emeritus Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias on 1st September 1995, under the animation of Rev. Fr. Enrico Frigerio, Fr. Xavier Pontokan and Br. Michael, the chief co-ordinator of Shobhana Shaakha project with the assistance of the Apostolic Carmel Sisters. In fact there were many instruments of God behind this humble beginning of Betharram with the initiation of Bishop Landel, Fr. Gaston, Fr. Mirco, Fr. Sheridan, and Fr. Austin, supported by Fr. Paul Manavalan, Sr. Marie Eugene, Sisters of Servants of Mary and the Apostolic Carmel. Later Br. Gerard took over from Br. Michael and Fr. Jose Mirande, and Fr. Suthon  joined with newly growing Indian community in India to support its formation and animation.

The Bangalore community has been from the beginning a formation community and has still this vocation with the presence of the Indian postulants and the regional novitiate. There are at present 12 young people in formation including 8 postulants!

- “It is the work of the Lord marvellous to our Eyes”; young men come to knock at the door of Betharram through various instruments of God.

How did they come to knock at a Betharramite door?

- The congregation was primarily introduced to Indian Churches through our well-wishers namely Rev. Fr. Paul Manavalan who has been serving as our vocation promoter in South from the very beginning, Rev. Sr. Marie Eugene as our guide in formation, the Servants of Mary and the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel. At present every Betharramite in India has taken this task of this vocation promotion in their own native places, our formation houses and mission centers in parishes. Besides we also join with vocation animation programmes of the different dioceses to share the charism of Betharram under the vocation animation team of vicariate and sharing the news of Betharram in catholic magazines.

But why do they choose Betharram among other congregations?

-The reasons shared by many young brothers that they were drawn towards devotion and spirituality of the Sacred Heart lived by Betharram religious community. They were touched by the life of St. Michael who was always available to God’s will. The experience of fraternal life, simplicity, love of God in various way and care for each other in Betharram community and living witness of elder missionaries from abroad have inspired them to make their special choice among others.
The elements of the charism which are more appealing to the young Indians are the openness and availability to the challenging mission, international dimension, communion in prayer and mission, fraternal and simple life style.

Now, thanks to the newly arrived brethren, the community has opened itself to the needs of the local Church. How did this happen? How does this opening enrich the life of the community?

- “I planted, Apollo watered, the Lord brought forth the fruit”; it is very true in our case. What we see today is the result of the commitment, dedication and sacrifice of our pioneers in India. The presence of our elder brothers like Bro. Michael, Fr. Enrico, Bro. Gerard, Fr. Jose Mirande, Fr. Xavier,  Fr. Tidkham , Fr. Suthon and Fr. Chan are notable and their sacrifice and commitment laid a strong foundation for our growth in India.
At the same time, we cannot deny the role of our benefactors and companions of Betharram who supported us through their spiritual and financial assistance. Now the congregation is able to respond to the needs of the local Church and has taken up different missions in different dioceses, for example, Hojai mission in Guwahati in Assam, St. Joseph parish Adigundanahalli and Holy name of Jesus Parish, St. Thomas parish, Bangalore and mission in Bidar, Karnataka.
Through these services as mentioned above we’ve been discovering our identity as Indian Betharramite missionary in the church. Besides it is a strong boost for our younger brothers in formation to mould themselves as a spiritual commando at the service of mission and opens a space for the laity to experience the gift of our charism as the collaborators of Betharram through their prayers, material support and vocation promotion.

Thus, the spirituality of St. Michael Garicoïts do attract lay people in India too?

- Yes, Betharram has developed its association with the lay people through our centers of mission and apostolate. It’s quite evident by their active participation in our religious gathering, faith formation programmes, family apostolate and youth ministries. Following the footsteps of our founder and Betharram tradition, we have initiated the pastoral, social and education ministries like tution centres for the poor children and under privileged, spiritual care of the youth, family and children in their faith formation to share our spirituality. The use of communication has also helped us to spread the spirituality of our founder and mission awareness through newsletters like SMILE  and Sneha Jwala (Flame of Love).
Many students from Garden City College and our neighbours come to our chapel to seek our spiritual assistance and they are curious to know about our founder and our Lady of Betharram. They are seen praying and participating in our liturgical celebrations. The lay people support us through their prayers, collaboration and participation in our apostolate.

How does the community live the more meaningful times of daily life?

- We take a conscious effort to preserve the rhythm of fraternal community through our prayer, caring and sharing. The community draws its strength from the active participation in the Eucharist, the source and summit of our life. We draw together our monthly programme and community project considering human, spiritual, intellectual, missionary and social dimension in community. Every day we begin our daily life with the Holy Eucharist followed by Morning Prayer and meditation. To grow in our founder’s spirituality, letters of St. Michael is read and reflected. There is a spiritual accompaniment by the formator throughout the year. Every year we make pilgrimages to St. Mary’s Basilica and Infant Jesus Shrine to develop religious devotion.
To grow in inner holiness, the reading of the word of God, monthly recollection, confessions, adoration, devotion to the most Sacred Heart and annual retreats are arranged with due attention. Apart from this the feasts of the congregation like our Lady of Betharram, St. Michael’s feast, Exaltation of the Cross, St. Joseph and Blessed Miriam are celebrated in a meaningful manner.
There is a greater joy in serving by sharing the responsibilities in the community by the generous service of the brothers like cleaning, gardening, cooking and farming, etc. Besides community provides each member to develop their talents by organising literary, music, cultural, sports events and outings.

In two months’ time we are going to start the celebration of the 150th anniversary of St. Michael’s death: what initiatives are on your agenda?

- We have several activities already planned:
Spiritual pilgrimage to deepen our understanding of vision and mission of St. Michael through monthly reflection on the theme of Betharram spirituality.
Jubilee month in May 2014 with the common retreat of all members in the vicariate of the theme of Jubilee: “From the Heart of Christ to the heart of the world”.
Celebration of Jubilee in all mission centers of Betharram in India with the laity.
Promotion of fraternity of the Sacred Heart (Lay associates) and Betharram spirituality of Vicariate to share,  live and spread the spiritual gifts of St. Michael in the society.
In collaboration with the Region, we organize exhibition on St. Michael at vicariate level.
To mark the Jubilee year and our option for the poor, opening of Xavier Home* at Bangalore and blessing of new formation house in Mangalore.
Participation in Betharram youth event at Regional level in Thailand to promote mission awareness and vocation animation among the youth.
Distribution of mementos and prayer cards in collaboration with other vicariate in the region.






Fr Xavier, SCJ (1962 - 2006)

This Children Care Home (in collaboration with the Companions of Betharram in India)
is a social initiative of Betharram family of Indian Vicariate as a part of our opting for the poor in this Jubilee year and a loving tribute to Fr. Xavier Ponthokhan, pioneer of the Indian Vicariate. Xavier Home welcomes poor, underprivileged orphan and semi orphan children and provides them a holistic formation to become a gift of God in the society. It will function temporarily for 3 years at Michael Bhavan, Bangalore with 25 children providing freely shelter, food, education, love and spiritual care under the management of Betharram, India.





Mgr Lacroix

In 1838 the new Bishop of Bayonne had promised the”priests of Betharram “that he would give them rules which would be like the constitutions of the Jesuits.  Sure enough, he returned at the beginning of September 1841 with a rule consisting of 20 articles which he had composed himself. But, far from being inspired by the Sommaire of the Jesuits, these new statutes were nothing more than a copy of the rule of Saint-Sulpice.  
First of all these constitutions denied the new community the right to exist.  It was the Bishop who appointed the Superior, assigned the different functions for the community, sent the Fathers on different missions and each year checked the community’s receipts and expenses.
Furthermore, from the point of view of religious life no vows were envisaged and not the slightest possibility in the future to request approbation from Rome.
On reading the text, the Fathers were plunged into the deepest disappointment.  Suddenly they found themselves back in the rules for Hasparren.  Fr Bourdenne declared: “A rule without vows and so unlike the high level proposed to them by their leader was a kind of degeneration”. (in La Vie et l’œuvre du Vénérable Michel Garicoïts, Basilide Bourdenne)
When at last they received permission to react, they finally got two important changes: one of these, probably at the request of the Founder, became article 19 and read thus:
“The special rules concerning the spiritual conduct of the Fathers of the Sacred Heart and which they are bound to observe are those of the Society of Jesus, in so far as they do not stray from the present constitutions in the form as they have been presented by the Bishop.”

Thanks to this opening it was the whole spirit of the Sommaire which had been rescued.
The second concession which was snatched by Fr Guimon, gave permission for vows; they were watered-down vows, simply authorised.  However the principal was acquired with the possibility for future developments one day.  
Article 2 especially, with the new title of Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, gave precious assurances to the saintly Founder and to which he immediately attached great importance.  The totality of his Spiritual doctrine, resumed in the 1838 introduction, was going to crystallize around this title.
Consequently however inadequate these constitutions were, they allowed the community to exist and to hope for new improvements.  New improvements were won in 1851 and 1855 but , alas, only on a provisional basis! as we will see later.

Pierre Duvignau, SCJ

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NEF, Family news


Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

You can read the NEF by going to the appropriate section of the portal, which also contains the archive of recent years.

Below you find the last three issues ...