News 2020
NEF November 2020
«Jesus states: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Mt 5:5). Brothers and sisters, meekness! Meekness is characteristic of Jesus, who said of himself: “Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart” (Mt 11:29). The meek are those who know how to control themselves, who leave space for others, who listen to them and respect their way of living, their needs and their requests.» (Pope Francis)
Meeting of young people in formation in the Vicariate of Thailand
From 14 to 16 November a meeting of all the young people in formation of the Vicariate (45 young seminarians) took place in the formation house of Sampran (Vicariate of Thailand).
In Memoriam…
We received the sad news of the sudden death of Mrs Margaret June Arran, faithful Betharramite lay associate of the parish of Whitnash (England), on November 10th.
Perpetual Profession of Br. Akhil Joseph SCJ
Indian Vicariate held the celebration of Perpetual Commitment of brother Akhil Joseph SCJ on 03rd December 2020 at Sacred Heart Chapel of Betharram Formation House, Maryhill, Mangalore.
Advent retreat of the Community
On December 5, an Advent recollection day took place in the formation community of Adiapodoumé. It began the previous day with night prayer and it went on with morning prayer the following day. The theme of the retreat was: “The season of Advent, an itinerary to welcome the Emmanuel, source of our joy”. The day was animated by Br. Christian Yao, scj.
NEF December 2020
“To remind men of God and bring them back to the love of their Creator, Jesus Christ shows to them the divinity made visible, made palpable in His humanity.” (St Michael Garicoïts)
Ignatian retreat for the novices in Ivory Coast
The extraordinary novitiate of the Vicariate of Ivory Coast, which began on August 26, is making its first 10-day Ignatian Retreat from Tuesday December 8 to Friday December 18.
Day of retreat of the Betharramite Laity
Despite being struck by and hindered in its activities by the Covid-19 pandemic; despite being shocked by the death of Mrs. Henriette N’Guessan (a recently deceased Betharramite laywoman); despite being worried about and affected by the recent post-electoral crises (in the Ivory Coast), the fraternity of the Betharramite lay associates, with their gaze turned firmly to the Lord, have finally restarted their meetings and relaunched their activities on the 12th December in the community of Adiapodoumé.
Assembly of the Vicariate of Central Africa
On Friday 11th December, at the “St-Michel” community of Bouar, the religious of the four communities of the Vicariate of the Central African Republic held an Assembly.
On the night of 21 December, Fr. Emiliano Jara SCJ, a 72-year-old Betharramite religious has died. He was a member of the community of the College “San José” of Asunción (Paraguay).
Installation of two religious in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Belo Horizonte
On December 20, on the fourth Sunday of Advent, during the Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte, Mgr Joaquim Giovani Mol Guimarães, Bishop in charge of the Episcopal Region "Nossa Senhora da Esperança”, the presence and the pastoral ministry of Fr Francisco de Paula, scj, as Parish Priest, and of Fr Davi Aparecido da Silva Lara scj, as assistant Parish Priest, officially started in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in the district of Nova Granada in Belo Horizonte.
“Il Mosaico” n. 4 - 2020
It was published the new edition of the bulletin “Il Mosaico", newspaper of solidarity, spirituality and culture of the Betharramite Association “Il Mosaico" of the Vicariate of Italy.
Novices’ classes on the topic of “Discernment”
On the 15-16 of December 2020, our novices had the opportunity to learn about “Discernment” by Fr. Miguel Garaizabal SJ, the Superior of the Thai Jesuit Region. The topic was discern the will of God, to understand the call of the Lord Jesus in each person’s life and to know and to understand the vocation more clearly in their life and spiritual journey.
Diaconal Ordination of Br. Serge Appaouh SCJ in Pistoia
On Sunday 27 December 2020, the feast of the Holy Family, Br. Serge Appaouh SCJ was ordained as a deacon by Mgr. Fausto Tardelli, Bishop of the Diocese of Pistoia, in the Betharramite Parish of St Francis in Pistoia.
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