Day of retreat of the Betharramite Laity
Despite being struck by and hindered in its activities by the Covid-19 pandemic; despite being shocked by the death of Mrs. Henriette N’Guessan (a recently deceased Betharramite laywoman); despite being worried about and affected by the recent post-electoral crises (in the Ivory Coast), the fraternity of the Betharramite lay associates, with their gaze turned firmly to the Lord, have finally restarted their meetings and relaunched their activities on the 12th December in the community of Adiapodoumé.
Indeed, the announcement of the Lord's coming blows a breath of fresh air on this family; so happy to have its members reunited and willing to walk once again with the Lord in a half-day retreat. This retreat, led by Fr. Jean-Paul Kissi scj, started with a sharing of news between the community and the lay associates. This sharing was followed by a reflection on the theme: "In the mystery of the Incarnation, God comes to meet us and invites us to spread his life and his joy”.
Inspired by Betharramite spirituality and rooted in a consideration of everyday life, what Fr. Jean-Paul's reflection offered the lay associates can be expressed in these words: God, through the Incarnation of the Word, unites himself with His creation, weds Himself to our humanity and invites us to go forth and to communicate joy in our lives.. The retreat ended at midday, with the celebration of the Eucharist followed by a shared lunch.
May Emmanuel walk with us.
We wish you a fruitful Advent .
Forward! Always forward!
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