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P Andrea Antonini
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Paraguay - Asunción, Dec 22, 2020


On the night of 21 December, Fr. Emiliano Jara SCJ, a 72-year-old Betharramite religious has died. He was a member of the community of the College “San José” of Asunción (Paraguay).

Fr. Emiliano Jara SCJ

Due to health problems he spent several days in hospital until last night when the Lord called him to the Betharram of heaven.

The offering of his life, as a dedicated priest and confessor, was crowned by the Cross of sickness, and today we look up to heaven with renewed hope.

He founded the FVD Group and he dedicated a large part of his ministry to the formation of religious and lay people in the Colleges of "San José” of Asunción, in the “Apostolic" of Asunción and in Ciudad del Este. He also carried out his ministry in the parishes entrusted to the Congregation.

The faithful who have known him mourn for him, but they are certain that from heaven he will intercede for his brothers.

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NEF, Family news


Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

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