Jul 15, 2015
Family News - 2015 July 14th
A word from the Superior General
Look back on the past with gratitude and humility
Snapshots of Betharramite Life
A finger in the pie
A message from the bishop of Rome
With tenderness
Life of the Congregation
Bursars at the service of the mission
Practicing the Rule
Obedience, once again
Laity and the charism of Betharram
Notices from the General Council
Our Formation Houses
Spiritual life in our four scholasticates
The Fondeville Notebook (7)
The Betharram Fathers responsible for the Sarrance sanctuary... The apostolate at Pau and Sarrance... The first illness of Father Garicoits... His journey to Valenciennes...(in North France, 621 milles away from Betharram)
Listening to St Michael...
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