Jan 15, 2015
Family News - 2015 January 14th
A word from the Superior General
The Mission of Jesus (2)
Snapshots of Betharramite life
As in the Garden of Eden
A message from the bishop of Rome
Letter of the pope to the consecrated men and women, of 21 November 2014
Life of the Congregation
Priestly Ordinations and Golden Jubilee
Notices from the General Council
Decisions & others
Practicing the Rule
The Eucharist celebrated in community
Laity and the charism of betharram
The definition of a Christian lay Betharramite
Our formation houses
Vocation Promotion
The Fondeville Notebook or Betharrram since 1790 (1)
Regarding the arrival of Procope Lasalle, the renewal of Bétharram and the Great Seminary Foundation ...
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