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Jul 15, 2015

Practicing the Rule

Obedience, once again

Practicing the Rule

Once again Articles 64 and 65!… Why so much insistence? Saint Michael Garicoits himself will give the answer: “Under penalty of disowning our profession to be auxiliary priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to rally under the Standard of Satan, all in our deliberate conduct must respond to the Holy Spirit and to our superiors. ‘Here I am’” (DS). The doctrine of the obedience of our founder is as strict as Saint Ignatius’, remarked Fr. Duvignau; let us not forget, however, that “religious obedience, far from lessening the dignity of the human person, by extending the freedom of the sons of God, leads it to maturity.” (Perfectae Caritatis). Fine words, yet this column of the NEF deals with real-life experience. So here it is.


Fr. Osvaldo Caniza scj, with 24 years of religious profession

The only rural parish of the Vicariate of Paraguay is situated in La Colmena, in the district of Paraguari, 130 Kms from the capital of Paraguay. It is there that I fulfil the mission entrusted to me through religious obedience. I visit the 29 Christian Communities with a heart energised by total confidence in the Grace of God, trying to spot the call of God in people and events, in the protection of St Francis Xavier, Patron Saint of the Parish.

I have lived day by day for 19 years now, in the capacity of a Betharramite Priest, with a firm will, a faithfulness to “Ape Aime” (“Here I Am” in the Guarani Language); I have made an effort to respond with joy to the demands of the faith, leaving me surprised by all that the Lord still has me discovering along the way, deepening my vocation to the service of those living in distress or suffering in this rural area.

In my life as a Pastor, along the way, I accompany the sick, particularly the elderly, who very humbly and sincerely, turn to the Lord with a deep devotion. The strength of their faith experience never fails to impress me. It helps, day by day, to strengthen my own faithfulness to prayer and my zeal for the mission that my superiors have entrusted to me. In this way, I always progress with a little more confidence and determination to the service of the neighbour who finds themselves in the fringes and is living through neglect or adandonment. In this service, you only need simple words, as Our Lady and our founding father, St Michael Garicoits, teach us; these words by which they replied to the call of the Lord: “Here I Am”.


Fr. Stervin Selvadass scj, with 16 years of religious profession

It is so beautiful to repeat the word of God, “Obedience is better than sacrifice“. But I know that evangelical obedience always remains a challenge. As a young priest, I felt it especially at 2 moments of my priestly ministry. First, as soon as I had completed my formator course, I was asked to go to England to a parish. Secondly, as I returned to India, I was asked to go to France. It was so hard at that time to discern the will of God. I was confused within me. I questioned the purpose of my training. But I always responded positively and remained open to my superiors. At this juncture, one of the lessons that I learned is as follows: “To be whole-heartedly obedient , one needs to do some sacrifices. A sacrifice would not be a problem to the one who knows how generous God is“. Yes, it is God who in his generosity called me and consecrated me in the family of Betharram to be at the service of the Church.

My positive response and the given mission always prompted me to look deep into my God-given abilities and put them joyfully at the service. It was not easy. As the Rule of Life states it increased my desire to be faithful and joyful without bothering about the success. It is here I cherish the words of Mother Teresa, “ Let us strive to be faithful rather than successful “. Yes, evangelical obedience continues to make me joyful and faithful.


Fr. Jean Tapie, scj, with 69 years of religious profession

Real life? Well I would rather talk for me of a state of the soul.

In January 1945 I left the lycee in Tarbes and entered the novitiate where I embarked on the Betharramite programme, and I haven’t regretted it for an instant.

I spent 3 years in the scholasticate in Bethlehem, nearly 30 years in our schools in Betharram and Limoges and nearly 30 years in our houses in Bethlehem and Nazareth as chaplain to the Carmelites and seeing to pilgrims.

I’ll need the whole of eternity to thank the Lord for letting me spend 30 years in his homeland.

I did the toing and froing between our two houses in Nazareth and Bethlehem according as the needs arose. Then one day this question was put to me: “Let’s see! Do you live in Nazareth or in Bethlehem?” “I don’t really know. My superiors don’t seem to know where to place me..." God never asked my advice. He knows what is best for us, and when. Let’s be led by him! May his Will be done. F.V.D. It’s all there.

I am now 89 years of age... retiring age at Betharram!

What next? Recently the Lord said to me: “These days I am welcoming a lot of people. You can come, if you like; you’ll see: it’s worth the trip”. OK

“Forward march!” at all times.

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