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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2013 / Family News - 2013 June 14th / The jubilee year
Jun 13, 2013

The jubilee year

One month after the opening of St Michael’s jubilee year our bird’s eye view of the Congregation could easily give a dizzy spell. There has been so much news arriving at the Generalate from the three regions – proof of boundless energy and enthusiasm, not only from the Betharramite Religious but also from all those associated with them: laity, youth, parishioners, collaborators, all willing to celebrate the Jubilee of St Michael Garicoits.

The inheritance from St Michael is not an antique which we are caring for like any old relic

So far the initiatives have been countless, a huge variety and sometimes rich in imagination! They are proof of the desire of the religious to share the inheritance received from our Founder; as for the laity and friends of Betharram who partake of the same source, there is the simple joy of celebrating the event as a family.
GiovaniThere were crowds of young people wanting to pay homage to St Michael and absorb his message! Note how enthusiastic they were in sketching St Michael and his native village, in preparing banners on his life, in making models, in making decorations for their theatre, in reflecting personally to get to know St Michael better, absorbing his witness by listening to their own mates and being friendly with them. All this thanks to a “flying camp” organised by teachers, animators as discreet and as devoted as possible.
BetharramThere were conferences, meetings, intercommunity reunions, catecheses on St Michael’s life; there were meditations proposed by the religious, preparation of videos and leaflets all of which can be taken as signs that we, religious of Betharram, are willing to share our faith and, as Mgr Landel SCJ said, that we want to spread the joy of being disciples of the “Me Voici” of Jesus.
From east to west through solemn celebrations, Masses and Eucharistic adoration, religious and laity were associated in a spirit of communion, whether during the ordinations, first and final professions, processions, First Communions, or prayer vigils in the presence of the Saint’s relics.
VescoviMore than ever before the Betharramite religious were in union with their Bishops. Several retired Bishops, now that they are liberated from the affairs of their dioceses, made a point of being with us, grateful as they are for the services rendered by Betharram. There were also homilies preached during the celebrations, as well as messages from afar commemorating the 150th anniversary of the death of St Michael. The celebration in the magnificent chapel in Betharram, in presence of the Cardinal Archbishop of Bordeaux, Mgr Jean-Pierre Ricard, together with several other Bishops and Father Gaspar Fernandez Perez, our Superior General, lent great solemnity to 14th May 2013, and only a few metres from the simple bedroom from which Michael Garicoits departed towards the Eternal Father, 150 years ago. The chapel splendidly ornate and flooded with light, with organ music greeted his many children, as has been happening for over a century, but also countless friends, religious of other congregations, as well as the diocesan clergy.
IndiaFrom north to south there were fraternal meals marking the festivities, or a parish meeting; there were games and sporting events in the colleges, and celebrations involving several communities.
From continent to continent, hearts were full of song and the thoughts of St Michael were expressed in song. Plays and dances illustrated the lives of priests from Betharram and helped us to experience once more the joys and sorrows of a way to holiness. The heart of the world began to beat in unison with the heart of St Michael.
150 years ago, Michael Garicoits, former “Superior of an empty building” was breathing his last. Why are we having such celebrations today? It is because the seed which he sowed and which at the time of his death was still hidden beneath the earth, has well and truly germinated.
Costa dAvorioThe inheritance from St Michael is not an antique which we are caring for like any old relic, it is something alive which demands efforts on our part so as to make it ours. St Michael’s face, which we are calling to memory with great solemnity, must be reflected every day on the faces of all Betharramites who have shared his experience of God and who endeavour to renew their charismatic identity.

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