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Jun 13, 2013

A word from the superior general

Superiors at Betharram

The life of the religious at Betharram is essentially  a community life

The life of the religious at Betharram is essentially a community life. We willingly chose to abandon organising our lives ourselves and opted for community and sharing by attaching importance to the commandment of love in the way Jesus loves us and seeking at all times with the brother what is God’s will according to the instructions left to us by Jesus in his Gospel. (Rule of Life 279).

In the tradition of consecrated life, as a body the community has always had a facilitator who, according to the charism and the history of the Church was known by different titles, for example father, abbot, prior, minister, master, rector, superior; whenever it is a question of authority in the community, he can never be other than first among equals, for a limited length of time (3, 4, 6, 8, 12 years). According to our Rule of Life the superior is the responsible and facilitator of the community (No 276).
The Rule of Life talks of four levels of responsibility: local with the community (276 – 281); regional with the Vicar (261 – 267); then the regional superior (246 – 251) and finally the General superior (186, 188, 196 – 199). Such is the order of our lives: the life of the congregation is present in the religious and communities where life, faith, goods and mission are shared. The regional vicar has responsibility for the animation, relation and facilitation of the religious and communities in his vicariate. The other superiors, whether regional or general are major superiors for the religious of the congregation or of the region according to the rules laid down by the Church and the Institute (No 196 – 232). With the exception of the general superior who is elected, all the others are appointed by the competent major superiors.

The function of superior demands the following conditions: to be a moral authority by the witness of his life, recall constantly the original character of the charism, accompany the religious in the fidelity to their vocation, animate the life of the community by encouraging all in sharing the life, faith, goods and mission, promote unity in diversity, provide for a genuine community discernment, to be the guarantor that the mission of the community will be faithful to the charism at the heart of the Church, encourage the religious to pursue their on- going formation, take the decisions which are vital.

The Community Superior: He draws up the community Project with the help of the community and guarantees its realisation in fidelity to the charism left by St Michael Garicoits. He encourages fraternal communion in Jesus Christ by his own life of prayer and that of the community. He assures the monthly community meeting. He is close to each of his brothers in the community to help them to remain faithful to their vocation and mission. He keeps a watchful eye so that the sharing of goods is carried out with simplicity and openness. He takes particular care of the senior members and the sick (no 278). He is member of the Council of Vicariate. His mandate is for three years renewable.

The Regional Vicar: The Regional Vicars participate in the authority of the Regional Superior; they have delegated power of government in the Vicariate to which the Superior General has appointed them (No 246). His mission consists in accompanying and leading the religious and communities whether at a spiritual level or an apostolic one to help them remain faithful to the Regional project. He encourages the integration of communities, organises the pastoral of vocations and youth pastoral care, he spurs interest and prayer for vocations (no 249). He is member of the Regional Council (No 246), and takes part in the Conference of Religious in his country (No 261). He is the legal representative of the congregation with the civil authorities (No 265) and administers the vicariate property under the guidance of the regional superior (No 266).

The Regional Superior: He is a major superior who directs and administers the Region under the Superior General (No 232). He encourages the human and spiritual growth of each religious; gives him his mission, guarantees the application of the regional project, administers the regional property according to evangelical and ecclesial criteria (No 236). He gives priority to initial and on-going formation (No 237). He visits the communities in his Region so as to encourage them in fidelity to the charism and to the realisation of the mission (No 238); he keeps in contact with the bishops and leaders of the local Churches (No 239).

The General Superior: He is a major superior with ordinary power throughout the congregation (No 196). With all the members of the Institute he exercises the mission of sanctifying, teaching and governing, and he aims at maintaining the unity of the congregation in fidelity to the Gospel and to the charism of St Michael Garicoits by availability for the mission and service of the Church and mankind (No 197). He admits members into the Congregation by perpetual profession and incardinates deacons. In special situations he can exempt from certain regulations, and he can prolong briefly the mandate of a superior. Only he can reveal discreetly the decisions reached in Councils and Chapters (No198).

Gaspar Fernández Pérez, scj

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