News 2015
In memoriam ...
The group of the Fraternity "Me voici" (Betharramite laity of France-Spain) has just sent in the news of the death of Mr Claude Combe, Dominique’s husband, occurred on February 8 in Rilhac-Rancon (France).
Beginning of the novitiate in the community of Bethlehem...
Sunday, February 1, on the eve of the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, during the celebration of Vespers, four novices (Arnaud, Landry, Christian and Serge) officially started the canonical year of novitiate, at the novitiate house in Bethlehem.
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in Mangalore
On February 2, the Formation Community of Mangalore celebrated the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, World Day for Consecrated Life.
The Vicariate of Central African Republic meets the Regional Superior
On January 17, the Religious of the Vicariate of Central African Republic gathered around Father Jean-Luc Morin SCJ (Regional Superior) in the community of St Michael Bouar, at the end of his visit to the Vicariate.
A very special meeting …
On 7-8 January 2015, the Thai Vicariate met with the Bishop Francis Xavier Veera, at Ban Betharram, Chiang Mai.
A busy week ...
Rome, 2 February. By participating in the Mass celebrated by Pope Francis on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the work of the Council of the Congregation has come to an end.
A further chapter of the Correspondence of St. Michael Garicoïts
Rome February 1 - The "eighth period" of the Correspondence of St. Michael Garicoïts is online.
February Anniversaries
This is the list of birthdays and other other anniversaries regarding the Betharramite Religious.
In memoriam...
This morning we received the news of the death of Dorothea (aged 80) the sister of Fr.Ted Simpson in England, who passed away after some serious illness.
In memoriam…
We have received the the news that on 20 January, in Berberati (Central African Republic) the father of Fr Zaolo Narcisse SCJ (of the community of Dabakala - Ivory Coast) has died.
Commission for Permanent Formation
The Commission for the preparation of permanent formation gathering to take place in June 2016 in the Holy Land, was held in Rome from 22 to 25 January.
The Novitiates of the Congregation
The three novitiates of the Congregation are finding their stability. The two novices of Adrogué, Mariano (Argentina) and Sergio (Paraguay) are making the second week of Ignatian exercises, guided by their Master, Fr Daniel González scj.
Our home, our joy ...
"Our home, our joy”: this was the motto during the traditional celebration for the conclusion of the year at the '' Holy Family Catholic Centre “: as per tradition, for three days the Center welcomes young people and adults who in the past had been boarders for a few years in the Centre.
January Anniversaries
As we have already announced in the January issue of the NEF, we put at the disposal of the communities and of those who are interested, the list of birthdays and other other anniversaries regarding the Betharramite Religious.
NEF January 14th, 2015
The community of Mangalore and all the Children of the St. Michael's Care Home wish you a happy new year 2015! ...
In memoriam...
January 9, 2015 - After less than one year since the death of his son, Mr Natale Gorgia (Coordinator of the Lay Association of Betharram) is facing a new painful moment in his life: this morning, his wife, Maria Grazia, died, after a long and painful illness.
Priestly ordination of Br. Glecimar Guilherme da Silva SCJ and Br. Eudes Fernandes da Silva SCJ
The Religious of the Vicariate of Brazil, with a heart full of joy, give thanks to the Lord who has allowed them to crown the year 2014 with two ordinations that took place in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, the birthplace of the ordinands: Br. Glecimar Guilherme da Silva SCJ (nicknamed "Terere") and Br. Eudes Fernandes da Silva SCJ (called "Eudinho").
Priestly Golden Jubilee in Brazil
On the evening of December 20, Fathers Paulo Vital Campos SCJ and Antonio Scarpa SCJ, concelebrated the Eucharist in the Mother Church of Conceição do Rio Verde, Minas Gerais (Brazil), where they were ordained priests on 20 December 1964.
Christmas celebrated in advance …
The Betharram Seminary, Mangalore celebrated Christmas in advance on December 8, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mary.
Diaconal ordination of Br Vincent de Paul WOROU Dimon SCJ
Saturday, December 13 Br. Vincent de Paul Worou Dimon SCJ was ordained as a deacon in the parish of St. Mary of Agouéto in Abobo in the Archdiocese of Abidjan.
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