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Jul 14, 2017

In memoriam...

Father André Gillet scj

In memoriam...

1st March 1914, (Capbreton, France) - 29 June 2017 (Bétharram)

How can we describe Fr. André Gillet? He was a priest, a religious priest, and a religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.Betharram was close to his heart, but above all, it was a source from which he came to draw strength... Our Lady, the Cross, Saint Michael, the Sacred Heart ... For some years now his mobility has been restricted, and it weighed heavily upon him. He was ‘no spring chicken’, since ‘he was born before the war’... True... but, this was before the First World War: March 1st 1914 at Capbreton.

Ordained priest at the age of 23, in the Holy Land on July 11th 1937, he was a priest for almost 80 years. In that time he celebrated over 30,000 Masses! There he found another source of strength.

As a professor: at Bazas, Betharram, and Limoges, he was soon asked to take up the bursarship. With Father Andre, goodwill prevailed ... far, too far! No one followed him!

Father André wanted to be a welcoming man, making visitors happy to be welcomed at the door... And, similarly, on the phone - from his room the same welcome -: ‘Hello! Betharram Here, Good Morning!’ Always with a friendly tone.

As a religious, he lived and preached the “spirituality of the present moment”. (The next moment seemed to him to be the entrance to the Kingdom) ... Yes, he lived the day of his death ‘one day at a time’ but Time itself rejoices: “It does not hurry, now will always be the right moment”.After Bel Abbes, he was dedicated to different chaplaincies – with all that implied! It gave him another dimension: Anglet, the Servants of Mary ... and “The Tent of Meeting” on the beach in summer, for Renewal, the Daughters of the Cross, the charismatic movement, the Marian priestly movement, the Prayer Groups, spiritual direction, confessions, blessings, holy water for healing maladies. As a priest, we must remember, he had served working in parishes in the diocese of Limoges, mainly as parish priest of La Celle-Dunoise.

After a long time he returned fully to Betharram. Every day, Father Gillet started early in the morning to climb the Calvary: this Passionate Way of the Cross, and this is where he really wanted to die in full communion with his Lord on the Cross. The Lord chose it otherwise, and he drew his last breath not just on any old day, but on the morning of the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul ... We say with St. Andrew: “Lord, where do you live? ‘Come and see.’ John I. 38

Gabriel Verley scj


(2 Tm 4,6-8.17-18 ; Mt 16,13-19) « As for me, my life is already being poured away as a libation, and the time has come for me to depart. » These words of St Paul could also have been spoken by Fr André Gillet. He waited for this great meeting for years ! For years, he united his offering with that of Christ in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ! After several days in the throes of death, he passed away on the morning of 29th June. As if he was waiting for this day, as if the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul had to crown his religious life (85 years in his profession) and his catholic priesthood (80 years ordained).

« I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith. All there is to come for me now is the crown of uprightness which the Lord, the upright judge, will give to me on that Day » continues the letter to Timothy. Father Gillet had the soul of a fighter ; he could sometimes be harsh and sharp. He claimed to be a guardian of the faith and of his liturgical expression. He held these in such high esteem that he could not stand what he considered to be disrespect or negligence. Strict on himself, he was also strict on others. At the same time, in confession, he never separated love from truth or truth from love. That is without doubt why so many penitents came to him and why he was so diligent in his ministry of mercy. What made him happy was enabling everyone to get hold of this strength that he was filled with, and that way, proclaim the Gospel ….

Even within the limits of life and character, we can figure out the apostle’s passion. After St Paul, St Peter, also fascinated by this Nazarene who made his heart burn within him. In the Gospel, and in a forgotten corner in the north of Galilee, Jesus asked his friends: « And you, what do you say ? Who do you say I am ? » The response of Simon, son of Jonah, wasn’t expected. It was unexpected from the mouth of a simple fisherman. Astounding even for a Jew steeped in tradition, where the deed of pronouncing the name of God alone sounds like a blasphemy. Here he is affirming, without reserve or digression, to Jesus’ face : « You, the carpenter of Nazareth, you the son of Joseph and Mary, I say you are the Son of God ». Not a son of God among others, but the only Son, the beloved of the Father. For the first time, one of the twelve unveils the mystery of the Christ. And Jesus, far from being defensive, confirms the faith of the apostle by attributing it to a revelation from above.

Simon had just expressed his whole personal faith. Jesus replied to him with an even greater trust. He started by changing his name to signify his new mission. Peter will be the foundation of a new people of believers and he guarantees it with his faith : « On you, I will build by Church ». Then Jesus entrusts the keys of the kingdom to him : « Everything you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and everything you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven. » Translation : « your mission will be to make the Church grow and to reconcile sinners. »

So, friendship with Christ leads to service. To confess that He is Lord is a commitment to following Him, to take part in His mission. That is what Fr André Gillet did in his own way, a man of duty and faithfulness, leaning on the rock of faith, in schools and chaplaincies, in the parish and at the switchboard of Betharram. But this complete and potent commitment, this faithfulness to doctrine and rules, without fail, was accompanied by a gentle expression, an almost maternal kindness when heaven’s Betharram, St Michael and Our Lady were mentioned in front of him. Then all the irritation, all the indignation, fell away. All that was left was this nice smile. Only hope was left. Then, he indicated to you with his eyes, filled with emotion, the statue that was bequeathed to his father by the Count of Astagnaires : the Omnipotentia Supplex, the all powerful supplicant, as the fathers of the church called it, Mary of whom we can ask anything because she is Mother, our Mother, and she is able by her prayer as God is by his power ….

The day after his 101st birthday, Fr Gillet confided to me with the simplicity of a child : « I do nothing. I am lost. I only have God and Our Lady. All I can do is pray. It is the most important thing. » With his face lit up, he began to recite the ‘Hail Mary’. On each visit, the ritual was the same and he always finished with this angelic salutation. Except last April : I found Fr Gillet curled up on his bed, in fœtal position. Ready for his new birth, more than ever.

With the tenderness of Mary and the devotion of our dear Father, with gratitude for his rich priestly career, with the words of St Paul to Timothy, we are certain: «all those who have longed for his appearing», the Lord will let enter His Kingdom of Peace. And in an instant, staring at the host, we could say as Peter does : « You are the Lord, you are the Son of God who brings us to the fullness of life for eternity. »

Happy are we, as it is not flesh or blood which has revealed this to us, but our Father in Heaven, the Spirit which He has given us, Christ, our salvation and our resurrection !

| Homily of Fr. Jean-Luc Morin scj at the funeral of Fr. André Gillet

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