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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2015 / Family News - 2015 October 14th / A word from the Superior General
Oct 14, 2015

A word from the Superior General

Embrace the future with hope

Embracing the future continuing our journey together Picture by the young pilgrims from Montemurlo (Italy) at Finis terrae, the“end the earth”, Summer 2015

This hope is not based on statistics or accomplishments, but on the One in whom we have put our trust (cf. 2 Tim 1:2), the One for whom “nothing is impossible” (Lk 1:37). This is the hope which does not disappoint; it is the hope which enables consecrated life to keep writing its great history well into the future. It is to that future that we must always look, conscious that the Holy Spirit spurs us on so that he can still do great things with us. (Pope Francis’s letter to the Consecrated, 1, 3)

The future of Betharram will be prophetic or there will be no future. Pope Francis made it quite clear when speaking to Major Religious Superiors in reference to all consecrated life: “Radical evangelical living is not only for religious: it is demanded of everyone. But religious follow the Lord in a special way, in a prophetic way.” This is the priority that is needed right now: “to be prophets who witness to how Jesus lived on this earth... a religious must never abandon prophecy”. He repeats it in his letter to the consecrated (II,2) and on several other occasions.

The prophet is quite simply a man of God, meeting Him, the Risen Christ, witnessing to his presence and explaining it in words. The prophet is one who has felt the need that “to know Jesus is the best gift that can be given to anyone; to have met Him is the best thing that can happen in our lives, to make him known by our words and actions, is our joy”. (Aparecida document 29). It is true! But for it to remain prophetic this experience must be cultivated by daily meditation of the Word of God, the celebration of reconciliation and the Eucharist as well as the practice of works of mercy.

The Betharramite prophet is a man who lives not for himself but for Jesus and others; in so doing he is being faithful to the Gospel message: “Unless a wheat grain falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies it yields a rich harvest. Anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (John 12,24-25). The choice for this human philosophy is precisely what justifies our style of life of obedience, poverty and chastity. That too is true; listening to and enhancing the role of superiors instead of being individualists; by sharing our goods instead of disposing of them according to our fancies; being of service to others instead of dominating them by a life of selfishness.

The Betharramite prophet will be fraternal or will cease to exist. Similar to Jesus with his disciples: before or after announcing the Kingdom, the expulsion of demons or the curing of the sick, he always took time to withdraw with them at a distance. He too shared with them his missionary experience, his life, his prayer, God’s action in him and in others or the gifts which each one received. All this was shot through with sensitivity, respect, service, responsibility and forgiveness – all values resulting from the Gospel message. Consequently he will live united to Jesus and to his brothers and sisters, attuned to the things of God, and in a fraternal dialogue will practise discernment finding out what is God’s Will in his daily life and the signs of the times.

The life of the Betharramite prophet and the communities who lead this kind of life, through their actions will display a zest for life, enthusiasm, joy and hope; they will stimulate the curiosity of those who see them living like this and who feel attracted to this life style. So the Betharramite prophet will humbly explain the reasons for his hope saying: “This is how I am because of Jesus, since the day I met Him and have discovered his love my life has changed and I have fallen in love with the Beatitudes as in this passage of Mt. 25.”

Betharram embraces the future with hope because it is not a work chosen by men but by the Sacred Heart of Jesus who “begot it and shaped it” and continues to cherish it. Consequently thanks to the missionary spirit which has always been ours, for the last 10 years we have had the blessing of 55 ordinations and the commitment of five brothers and now we are invited to offer our charism to the Vietnamese youth.

Betharram embraces the future with hope because with that prophetic spirit, rich with 246 religious in perpetual vows and 26 in temporary vows, we are many who every day meditate on the Word of God, seriously practising the vows and making efforts to be faithful to evangelical brotherly love, realising our mission in a prophetic and joyous spirit.
Betharram embraces the future with hope because we are many who love the charism left to us by our Father Saint Michael Garicoits and which by our actions and words we share with other souls in research.

Betharram embraces the future with hope because of the many laity, who impressed by our life-style, want to practise it and share with us the spirituality and mission of the charism of Saint Michael.

Betharram embraces the future with hope because of the many people, including Bishops, priests, male and female religious , laity (male and female), seniors, adults, youth and children whom we know, who trust us, have come to know Jesus through our ministry and are now praying that we remain faithful to our vocation.

Betharram embraces the future with hope because a countless host of witnesses, beginning with our Father Saint Michael Garicoits, Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified, Father Etchecopar, precede us and accompany us with their intercession so that faithful to the Gospel in this life, we may continue on our journey until we meet with God and them in Heaven.

Gaspar Fernández Pérez, scj
Superior General

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