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May 14, 2015

Listening to St Michael...

In the instruction of the 20th May Father Superior exhorted us to take a good look and see what are our dispositions in the service of God in our present state, what are the dispositions of our hearts for the perfection of our outward conduct; it can depend on experience, circumstances on many other events.
William Faber notes five points underlining the dispositions which should be ours:
- In our present state, the service of God ought to be our unique or at least our main preoccupation.
- We must hold on to this service of God without delay, without doubting and without looking backwards.
- The slightest carelessness in performing of our duties should be like a sacrilege in our eyes.
- We should detest mortal sin as being the greatest evil that can befall mankind.
- Whether we are saved or damned, such a question should inspire us with the greatest of fears; it should make us reflect seriously and make its influence felt in all our actions. (Cachica Notebook nr.15)

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