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May 14, 2015

Life of the Congregation (1)

On the eve of the canonization of the “little nothing”

Life of the Congregation (1)

In three days, Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified, Mariam Baouardy (1846-1878), will be canonized in St. Peter’s Square. Born in Galilee, “the little Arab” lived in Egypt, Lebanon, France, India and ended her short life in Bethlehem. For the Church, she is a bridge between the Christians of East and West.

For us Betharramites she is also the one that gave us birth as a pontifical society inspired by her intervention and tenacity. For this act of love towards our family, we respond with infinite gratitude and constant devotion.
And as we approach the big day, “the first reason for rejoicing, (as Fr Gaspar SCJ said recently) is to contemplate Mariam sharing the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit after having lived the Gospel on this earth.


« Today, holiness - she said - is not the prayer, either the visions [or the] revelations, or the science of good-speaking, or the hair shirts, or the punishments; it is humility...
Humility is the peace. It is a queen, the humble soul, it is always happy. In the fight, in the suffering, it humbles itself; it believes to deserve more of it; it asks for [more]. It is always in peace. Pride brings confusion. A humble heart is the vase, the chalice which holds God. The Lord said: a humble, really humble soul, will make more miracles than the old prophets...»

Archives of the Carmel VII, 75-76)


Picture: Poster that the Betharramites placed at the entrance of the church Our Lady of the Miracles, in Rome

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