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Mar 12, 2015

Our Formation Houses

Entry to the religious life, in Bangalore

Our Formation Houses

Since last August, five young people decided to answer Jesus’ call and to follow him on the road of the Evangelical Counsels according to the Betharramite style. Under the guidance of Fr Chan scj, today they can live on a daily basis what they have learnt and loved about religious life. It is a time of initiation and probation lived in the lively and “flowery” community of Bangalore (India)

“The life witness and experience of the missionaries who were very much dedicated and had totally given their lives for the evangelization, the simplicity of the life style of the members and the charism: ‘Ecce Venio, Here I am Lord, I come to do your will’ of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram, all this has drawn us to enter into the novitiate of this family. We are available and ready for any mission wherever we are called by God to meet the needs of the Church. During this first year our expectation is to deepen our personal communion with Jesus and to learn more about the charism and religious life in order to be witnesses of God’s kingdom. We also would like to grow in our identity of disciples of Christ and be mature persons and religious in the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.”

This is what the 5 novices, hailing from both Indian and Thai Vicariates, say about themselves. At the moment, the three Indian brothers are engaged in giving tuition (homework) to the children at Xavier Care Home in the evenings and liturgical animation on Sundays, with spirit of belongingness and availability. They all share different community services, for examples, taking care of guests rooms, inner garden and Sunday liturgy and choir. They also join the Inter-Novitiate programmes along with novices from other congregations.

Fr Chan, what do you propose to the novices in order to prepare them for the religious life ? - First and foremost “be human then be a religious”, according to the Betharramite way of life which means to live the Ecce Venio concretely and in a simple way in our daily life from morning to evening with love and enthusiasm. Then practice the virtues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially humility in our daily life, and have Lectio Divina daily, and give importance to the examination of conscience twice a day, namely noon and before going to bed.

What are your priorities? - During the first year of novitiate - known as canonical year - it is important to provide a personal accompaniment to each novice in order help him to be aware of and improve in different dimensions of religious life (consecration, communion and mission), just like the two disciples who travelled towards Emmaus with Jesus, and prepare them for their future mission. They attend also different inter-novitiate classes , they experience the community life in the light of our spirituality, they do some pastoral ministry with people outside (with the children of Xavier’s care Home and with the laity) in order to integrate the religious life into the local Church.

How is this service enriching yourself? - As a religious, I sincerely try to share my joy with my younger brothers so that they may be inspired to live their vocation following Christ. I consciously and humbly do my best to renew my life in Christ every day to respond to his invitation, by saying: Here I am Lord, I come to do your will in my daily activities. To accompany these young brothers helps me to look carefully into my own life and be more and more faithful to my priestly and religious life, according to God’ plan for me.

Above all, as a formator I do feel the need to grow in my vocation and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus who is our perfect model. “Believe what you read, teach what you believe and practice what you teach” : these words are a great inspiration for me, as a religious and as a priest.

Chan Kunu scj
Master of the novices

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