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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2014 / Family News - 2014 March 14th / Narratio Fidei of Br. Martin de Tours Thinakorn Damrongusasin scj
Mar 14, 2014

Narratio Fidei of Br. Martin de Tours Thinakorn Damrongusasin scj

Deacon in Huay Tong residence (Chiang Mai - Thailand)

Br. Martin de Tours Thinakorn Damrongusasin scj

Whatever you eat, then, or drink, and whatever else you do, do it all for the glory of God. Never be a cause of offence (...),just as I try to accomododate everybody in eveything, not looking for my own advantage, but for the advantage of everybody else, so that they may be save.” (1 Co 10,31-33)

“Here I am without delay, without reserve, without return. Exultavit ut Gigas. He leapt like a Giant. Man of activity, man of suffering within the limits of obedience, man who does nothing, suffers nothing outside obedience. Immense generosity but controlled; generosity applied to duty, to the proprieties of ones position; immense generosity which discovers a worthy situation in which it in can be deployed to the Glory of God and this even in the womb of Mary; in the crib, in the humble cottage of Nazareth or amid the splendours of Heaven at the right hand of the Father.
Long live God. I can glorify God. I can be useful to my neighbour just as easily and with less danger amidst poverty, humiliations and humble occupations, as in the most brilliant position. Here, I am ready for anything but never seeking outside my position.” (Spiritual Doctrine)



What do these extracts tell me?

I would like to share my personal reflection on my own experience of faith, drawing my inspiration from the following passages:

“Do it all for the glory of God” (1 Co.)
“For the advantage of everybody” (1 Co.)
“Outside of obedience man does nothing” (SD)
“Living easily with my neighbor (community members)” (SD)

The text “Do it all for the glory of God” is the motto I selected when I took my religious vows; I chose this because the happiness comes from doing wholeheartedly all things for the glory of God and bringing the same happiness to others by sharing my personal talents. When I consider the happiness of others I am urged to reflect on my own happiness.

“For the advantage of everybody”. If this is the main goal of the missionary projects (for God and neighbor) happiness and peace will come into the community members where I live. But if the main goal is my own advantage everything will fail and I will be unhappy.

“Outside of obedience man does nothing”. Everything should be done in obedience to God, that is listening to him and to others too in order to find the right way to go, because God has given us different talents’ for sharing with others and accepting ideas and talents of others.

“Living easily with my neighbor (community members)” Both the quotations from the Gospel and from the Spiritual Doctrine repeat the same concept: lay people and theology scholars, all should live a simple life because this will make people feel free and happy in doing the will of God with joy and happiness and ready to say “Ecce Venio”

Which aspects have had a major impact on my personal history as religious of Betharram?Obedience has a strong impact on my personal history, because obedience is very important not only for the religious of Betharram but also for every religious.

So, I feel that living outside obedience would make me selfish and this would lead me to seek my own advantage.

How do I try to live what these texts show me?These passages stress the importance of leading a simple life; so, in my personal daily life (Mission life, pastoral care) I live according to the condition of people around me as the Betharram Missionary style would suggest, that is “ to be with not only to work for” (this is the principle of incarnation). This means being with the people, eat like the people, learn from the people.

Very often what the people are in need of, is not working for them but simply being with them, visiting them, and leading prayer sessions for them and their family members , so that they feel happy in their heart. Always ready to say “here I am”, and respond to their call with joy for the glory of God, when they need pastoral care.

On what do I feel driven to focus my attention?
In my experience I feel that the elements of availability, obedience, simplicity are the major points on which to focus my attention during my mission work. All these elements go together to support our spiritual life and carry out the mission with strong faith. We must also be ready do adjust to the actual situation of the people.

To recap: Respond to the needs of the people with availability, obey in order to find the right way of action, live in simplicity.

What prayer is all this meditation inspiring me?

The Prayer to the Holy Spirit, written by Blessed Miriam of Jesus Crucified. The prayer is inspiring me every time I say “Ecce Venio”. This prayer makes my faith stronger and deepens my trust in God to do the Mission for the Glory of God with happiness and joy.

Holy Spirit, inspire me.
Love of God, consume me.
Along the true road, lead me.
Mary my Mother looks upon me.
With Jesus, bless me.
From all evil, from all illusion,
from all danger, preserve me.

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