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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2017 / Family News - October 14th, 2017 / A word from the Superior General
Oct 14, 2017

A word from the Superior General

“Behold, I send you as sheep among the wolves...

A word from the Superior General

...Be as cunning as serpents, and as innocent as doves.’ (Mt 10:16) Nothing will befall you. This is one of Jesus’ promises, a missionary sending that should fill us with courage in these times, when we propose to “go out”. ‘Whoever welcomes you welcomes me’ (Mt 10,40).


Dear Betharramites,

We are already in the post-chapter phase and we are beginning to walk together: some “old timers” and a well-nourished troupe of young Betharramites.

I am glad to know that some have begun to reflect on the Acts of the Chapter. It is a useful instrument which expresses something of the Gospel, and invites us to be faithful. It is not a treatise or a useful roadmap that will last six years and then be set aside.

As for the Acts, one brother remarked to me recently: “In the text, the word “Church” (in the sense of a local Church) appears only once ...” Indeed, I was able to verify it (although the word does appear with other meanings). He added: “Does this omission mean that we, Betharramites, are not willing enough to enter into a process of inculturation in the local Church ...?”

On the one hand, the Church is not mentioned much in the text. That is true, and that gives us some thought. Perhaps as religious, we are very attentive to “what passes within”, between us, by referring to ourselves... For years, we have endeavored to elaborate a synthesis which respects our identity and our mission, which were threatened by the change of time. It was a long and necessary process.

On the other hand, we also see that the word “community” appears repeatedly in the Acts (considered among other things as a condition for changing places and meeting new missionary challenges). It is a way of fighting a pervasive individualism. It stems from the need to remain faithful and united in times of crisis. This is perceived by some brothers as a requirement that puts a brake on the urgency of mission, which delays the “going out”, which makes us more concerned with preparations than with a prompt response to the call of the One who sends us. It leads us to prepare “two tunics for the road” (Lk 9: 3) and leads us to postpone in time the proclamation of Jesus Christ where we are most needed.

One might think that the Betharramites are afraid to go outside, or perhaps we believe that “outside nothing happens”... Someone asked me not long ago: what do you mean  when you speak of “peripheries outside and inside”... I replied that it was the peripheries outside our institutions and inside, outside our offices, our sacristies... One of my professors in consecrated life used to say: “The Dominicans frequent the choir very much..., the Jesuits walk through the streets...”  I wonder then... what is the habitat of we Betharramites...? that we are missionaries such as St. Michael wanted us to be...?

Let us stop making so many calculations. We should not risk locking ourselves in a cage, when we must rather create the conditions to be able to fly like birds to meet the brother who suffers. “Give me a heart that truly loves. He believes, he tastes the things of God, he runs, he tiptoes in the steps of Our Lord Jesus Christ. “ (SD § 101).

Apart from all these questions (forgive me, it will no doubt be a reminiscence of childhood with its why?), I am convinced that Betharramites are renewing themselvs in mission. At least, there are clear and encouraging signs in this direction. Some examples :

In the Central African Republic and India... life is threatened today. It is well known that some populations with whom Betharram is present are victims of persecution by ethnic rebel groups or religious discrimination.

Niem is at the heart of these tensions because of the politico-social problems that condition the mission. Communication interrupted, roads blocked, a risk that the armed groups will turn at any moment to violence. Meanwhile, our brothers say their ‘Ecce venio’ while caring for the wounded and the sick, continuing to serve with perseverance.

In India, in Bidar (State of Karnataka), the place is inhospitable. The power supply is erratic and the summer heat almost unbearable. We work with animist, Hindu, Muslim, etc. It is not rewarding and it is not possible to deliver the proclamation of the Gospel explicitly, working only for human promotion and fraternal love. In exchange, we only receive a precious smile...

Two other missions: in Kerala, there is a Malayalam community which is deprived of a pastor who can accompany him by speaking their language. In Mangalore, an important Catholic institution places at our disposal a house to accommodate abandoned street people.

Thousands of miles away, in America, the historical presences are consolidated with missions carried out in the urban and rural areas. It is a society impoverished in many respects. Care is taken of those who knock on the door, who must eat, shower, be listened to and counselled... Groups of lay people and religious work to prevent addiction by helping those who are suffering. We leave comfortable parishes, where the prophecy seems to be obscured and ignored, to accept peripheral parishes.

In Italy, at Monte Porzio, the long established  Betharramite work for the lives of AIDS patients needs no introduction. A mission that speaks for itself and is shared with lay people and experts.

Attention to Hebrew-speaking Christians in the Holy Land requires the dedication of generous missionaries who learn the language and are ready to serve them. It is not easy to take on this challenge. Brothers from a younger Betharram, such as India, Thailand, Cote d’Ivoire, Brazil, Paraguay, leave their original vicariates to serve where they are sent on mission.

You will forgive me for not being able to mention here the many other missionary gestures that build the Body of Christ in the local Church. Something grows gently among us, something that will never appear in the Acts, something like a sucker that grows by drawing its strength from the old, almost dry tree. It’s a sign of Life! An answer to Jesus who sends us out like sheep among wolves...


Eduardo Gustavo Agín scj
Superior General

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Nef is edited by the General Council.

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