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Jul 14, 2017

The first companions of Michael Garicoits

Pierre Sardoy: the journey of a missionary

San Juan Bautista Church in Buenos Aires, before the restoration of the facade and how Fr Sardoy saw it

Pierre Sardoy is a true missionary; at least according to Father Simon Guimon’s criteria ...

Would his first quality be as Barkostar, having originated from Barcus? He was born on 21 September 1810 in the same village as Father Guimon.

When at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, Father Guimon hears the sad spiritual fate of the Basques who emigrated to Argentina or Uruguay, he has only one desire: go and bring them the Good News. His tactic is simple: find out who could work in America and have this mission accepted by the bishop, before even talking to the superior. We know how the founder appreciated this way of going about things, so little in conformity with the rules of obedience (see NEF n° 126, May 2017). And now this mission is accepted!

Having been a priest since 20 May 1837, and parish priest of Menditte (in Soule) since 1842, Pierre Sardoy is among the first priests contacted; informally, of course! In 1854, Father Guimon said to him point-blank: “Will you come with me to America? Our Basques live there like pagans...” There was a quick answer: “Why not?” They speak for a moment. Father Guimon is eloquent, Abbé Sardoy volunteers. Just as planned!
When the “General Congregation” of 16 September 1854 accepted the mission in the diocese of Buenos Aires, it was necessary to prepare the departure and also to regroup the volunteers. In early 1856, Bishop Lacroix authorized Abbé Sardoy to leave his parish; he comes to Bétharram in April. At the end of a few weeks of probation, instead of the usual two years, he takes the religious vows in the Society of the Sacred Heart.

He leaves for America! The crossing is difficult: several storms, navigation errors, sickness and even lack of food at the end; Father Sardoy comes out of it with anaemia. Upon arrival, he accompanies Father Guimon through Argentina and Uruguay: they are missionaries!

Here, the missions do not happen as in the diocese of Bayonne: often it is their fellow countrymen, not the priests, who welcome them in their houses. However, both in Buenos Aires and in the Pampas, their zeal attracts others: they preach in Basque, even in Béarnais, sometimes in French, with time to learn Spanish. Above all, they proclaim the gospel and are always ready to take confessions and give the sacraments, without schedules, without appointments. The bishop himself admires them and testifies to this in a letter to Bishop Lacroix.

As early as December 1856, the Poor Clares of Buenos Aires allow the newcomers to lead the worship on Sunday in San Juan Church. In 1862, after agreement between the Abbess of Santa Clara and the Bishop of Buenos Aires, the service of the church and the convent is entrusted to the Missionaries of Bétharram; so the chaplaincy of the converted convent becomes the “House of the Mission”, the residence of the community. Father Sardoy was the chaplain to the nuns. To exercise this ministry, new to him, he resorts to the advice of Father Garicoits, who has gained a great deal of experience with the Daughters of the Cross.

Father Sardoy organizes the parish of San Carlos, in Buenos Aires; then he hands it over to the Salesians when they arrive in Argentina. In 1871, he was appointed superior of the residence of San Juan. In 1875, for the first time, he embarked for France. He died on 7 June before being able to rejoin Bétharram in the outskirts of Pauillac, in the estuary of the Gironde.

If, in 1862, Father Sardoy asked Father Garicoits for advice, it was because he held him in great esteem. On 21 June 1860, the superior of Bétharram wrote to him: “My dear father Sardoy”; he adds “my” to the usual “dear”; and “father” comes to replace the ordinary “Mr” of that time.

Beñat Oyhénart scj

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