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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2017 / Family News - 2017 June 14th / Voices from the Chapter (1)
Jun 14, 2017

Voices from the Chapter (1)

General Chapter, Act II

Voices from the Chapter (1)

A sign of unity and charity for all the religious of our institute”, this XXVII General Chapter was certainly more than ever. Some of our capitulants bear witness here to this moment of unique ecclesial communion in which all members of our Religious Family have been associated by prayer and by listening to their voices.

Aldo Nespoli scj |

What remains at the end of a Chapter? This question may be raised by the Chapter Fathers, among whom I count myself.

This experience left many impressions, still fresh. I am thinking in particular of the attentive and fraternal welcome of the Vicariate of Paraguay and the rigorous organisation of the General Council, for which we are grateful and thankful.

The conviviality that was established between religious coming from different parts of the world was a touching experience. The joviality and freshness of Thais, Indians and Africans bodes well for a genuine openness to the future: “Betharram lives” truly in them.

We thank our brothers from Paraguay for the good times spent together: the feast of Saint Michael at the San José College, the warm and fraternal welcome at the parish of Sagrado Corazón, the two days of visiting sites of natural and cultural and religious importance, such as the waterfalls of Iguazu and the first Jesuit and Franciscan foundations, today UNESCO heritage sites.

The fraternal and serious climate favoured the search for proposals for the future, especially since we have not yielded to the temptation of linguistic virtuosity to concentrate on content.

I could go on and give other impressions, but that would detract from the point, namely, what is left of the Chapter? The theme “running, to embrace life’s call” has re-examined our positions and put us in an attitude of conversion and change of heart. It emerges that it is necessary to open up to the needs of the Church today, to revitalize the “flying camp” theorized by Saint Michael and synonymous with availability.
So, what is left of the Chapter? The fear of not being able to carry out the resolutions of the Chapter. The phrase “running” translates the hope that pushes us to say “forward! “And what makes us pursue the work, the fruit of the Holy Spirit who has accompanied us and will accompany us in future challenges. The same Holy Spirit that we invoked at the beginning of the Chapter, with the protection of the Blessed Virgin and of our Father Saint Michael.

Gerard Sutherland scj |

I will take you from the nations
and gather you from all the countries.
A new heart I will give you
 and a new spirit I will put within you. 
(Ez 36: 24, 26)

The welcome we received was overwhelming; the Vicariate of Paraguay made things look so easy and well produced that it seemed as if nothing was overlooked, and yet I know from experience for this to happen a lot of preparation and hard work had taken place.

The General Chapter, which is the highest authority in the our Congregation came together representing 14 countries; the 31 members of the Chapter gathered in a beautiful location in San Bernardino, in a new retreat house, not far from an impressive lake Ypacarai.

This was my third Chapter and was my happiest because of the friendship, laughter, discussions, prayer and hard work, so that no language was a barrier, because our Congregation is small and beautiful and so I was able to renew friendships from other international meetings. Together we showed the true ‘Face of Christ’ by our care and attention to the small details; a truly international aspect of our community, which inspired us; working, praying, playing and sharing together and especially our meals together which were fantastic. For me this is the true meaning and spirit of Betharram. My memory is one of joys, smiles on our faces even when we shared honestly about the shape of our Vicariates (the joys and the sorrows).

What I take from the Chapter; I hope to share in shaping not only myself, but helping my community and my Vicariate to ‘show the Face of Christ’ to all those to whom we minister and what I have come to realise, which also is important is that I have to show this same face of Christ to my community so we a can share the joys of Christ.

I end where I began, with a big ‘Thank You’ to our hosts and to the previous administration for all the hard work and attention to the smallest details. Now is the time to move ‘forward always forward’ as St Michael liked to impress on us .

Daniel González scj |

San Bernardino or Ain Karem? I must admit that I came to San Bernardino with the illusion of being able to rest because I came from an intense rhythm of activities and various problems. This dream was fuelled by the brand new house and the proximity of the lake. With the welcome of Paraguay and the festive climate, the stage was set. The fact of us all meeting each other and the smile on the faces of the brothers effaced the tensions... The illusion could settle. The Chapter began with its usual rite: the prayer of invocation of the Holy Spirit, election of scrutineers and secretaries. It was then that my dream broke before reality. Indeed, they had just elected me secretary with Father Jean-Do. But this moment finally gave rise to a time of Grace, because it helped me to place myself in the right attitude: to forget myself and prepare for the “surprises” of God ... which eventually go beyond our own illusions.

Unbeknownst to us, the theme was being concretised: “To go out without delay to the encounter with life”. This, I believe, has also made the particularity of this Chapter: Betharram has lost no time in looking at herself, but in looking “towards”. And San Bernardino became a “Ain Karem”, “the place of JOY”: where the gesture, the smile, an embrace, a joke... were our common language; Where one finds a diversity of cultures, colours, languages​​... while feeling in family; Where we recognise ourselves as brothers because we drink from the same charismatic source...; Where the work realized by each brother, in his position, takes on its full meaning...; Where the communal prayer and the beauty of the liturgy have expressed the joy of our consecration...; Where we have experienced the gift of God that is Betharram for the world...; Where we feel that it is necessary to go out together to meet the life, especially where it is not, and to share the one we have within us ...

Having gone to the XXVII General Chapter with the idea of ​​living an illusion, I came back rich with an experience that filled my life with illusion and joy. And the most beautiful... is that this is a shared feeling. Forever always!!!

Stervin Selvadass scj |

This is my first General Chapter that I participate. I am indeed overwhelmed very much by the family spirit that was manifested by the Chapter members. Yes, there was loving cordiality, growth oriented team work, genuine brotherhood, sincere sharing and a vibrant joyfulness. I think, this is what I am called to live in my community wherever I am and in whatever I do. This is the first fruit of my Chapter experience.

Secondly, as the Chapter focussed on the theme ‘Go out to embrace Life’s call’, after having discussed about the life of the Congregation in its fullness, I am invited by the General Chapter ‘ to go out to love my community with its ups and downs’.

Thirdly, we say in English ‘Gratitude is an attitude of the Heart’. My sincere gratitude goes to the Organizing team of the Chapter especially to the Vicariate of Paraguay. I was simply thrilled in the way they had organised it and the way they had taken care of every minute details to make sure our stay comfortable, pleasant and fruitful. I truly salute them. May God bless You…

Jean-Paul Kissi Ayo scj |

This chapter has really brought so much for my religious life; but more especially for my Betharramite religious life. It was my first experience in the midst of my elder brothers more experienced than me. The first things that I would like to underline is the warm welcome we received. The religious and lay people of the region of Father Auguste Etchecopar had given their availability, their attention and their care for the smooth running of this chapter. We were at home. I lived the chapter in a very good atmosphere, I had the impression that the language barriers no longer existed. There was a simplicity of relationships between young religious and elders. This has contributed to the quality of the work.

This experience gave me the opportunity to encounter the other Betharramite realities; the cultural diversity experienced in other regions. This allowed us to enrich each other. Even today, the treasure of Saint Michael continues to be lived and transmitted in many different forms and in different realities of the world. I was very marked by the sign FVD (Fiat Voluntas Dei = Amen, I come to do the will of God) which appears almost everywhere where there was Betharram. People are so proud and so happy to carry this sign in carrying out the work of God in Saint Michael. I was also marked by the good collaboration between laity and religious.

At the heart of our sharing, I saw and heard of Betharram is eager to carry the wealth of the charism so high. As the theme of the chapter says, “without delay, running to embrace life’s call”; I leave this chapter with a will and an invitation to leave my “I” to encounter and share life with my brothers in community so that together we can put out ourselves as Mary for the mission of Betharram in the heart of the world. I entrust to Our Lady of Betharram our new Superior General and his Council, that the Lord may accompany them in their service so that Betharram continues to go without delay running to embrace life’s call.

Glecimar Guilherme da Silva scj |

It was two days after the end of our Regional Chapter that I began to be a little worried about participating in the 27th General Chapter. At times, I identified with the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1), and on several occasions my prayer brought me back to the dialogue between the prophet and God: on the one hand, I was afraid and felt a sense of insecurity; But on the other, the Lord encouraged me to offer a simple testimony of what the charism of Betharram offered me during these years.

These days of the Chapter have been singular, special and enlightening not only for us but also for the life of the Congregation. These were days of intense work, reflection and discernment; Nourished also with joy, sharing, exchange and fraternity. An experience that allows me to believe even more in Betharram for having seen in person his young shoots. Yes, Betharram is full of life!

The Chapter exhorts us to “Go forth without delay to the meeting of life! A concrete example was proposed to us with listening to the testimony of our dear Brother P. Yesudas, an Indian missionary in Vietnam; It is obvious that it is possible to go out to meet a renewed life. The young growth of Vietnam revives our hopes and encourages not only our soul to “go where others refuse to go”, but it also offers us the remedy necessary to fight the dismal discourse of these “prophecies” that want everything at all costs shrinking our young shoots and the present life in Betharram.

My participation in the Chapter allowed me to contemplate beauty. Among the most beautiful and perhaps the most intense realities we have seen the unity and communion that the Holy Spirit gives and inspires to those who come together under His protection. To this Spirit, which spreads over the Church and the world, we entrust the ministry of our new Superior General and his Council. In this same Spirit we give thanks to the Father for those who have preceded them.

I leave with the conviction that Betharram is full of life, for it is the work of God. I am convinced, and at the same time called to answer this call of the Chapter: to go out to meet life, without reserve, without delay ... out of love!

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