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Sep 14, 2015

The Fondeville Notebook (8)

Accepting the mission in America... New members of the Congregation... Pilgrimages to Betharram are increasing... Getting ready for and sailing to America...

The Fondeville Notebook (8)

Document drafted in Bayonne on August 30th, 1856
whereby the missionaries are sent to America,
signed « Garicoïts Ptre Supr »

The renewal of the Council took place in the year 1855, and it was then that the Bishop proposed the American mission. This work was inspired by the spiritual needs of Basque and Béarnais emigrants forming a population of nearly 100,000 souls in Buenos Aires and Montevideo. The proposal was dictated both by the charity and zeal of the bishop of Buenos Aires and of our bishop, who wanted to comfort the heart of the American bishop, distressed at not being able to save this great foreign people.

It was not at all a question of obedience or the decision by the Superior that these men had to be sent overseas. It was a gracious response to the act of charity proposed. The acceptance was unanimous: it was then up to everyone to ask God for the light to know his will, to accomplish it. The gentlemen Guimon, Barbé, Larrouy, Sardoy and Harbustan de Barcus, these priests in the Basque Country, presented themselves to move to America.

Mr. Ducasse de Ibos (Tarbes) aspiring to the priesthood was in Bétharram for over 11 years due to his medical condition. He was ordained a priest in 1855 and received into the congregation; he was then sent as a study master to Oloron, Orthez, after having been busy in the institution of Bétharram for several years.

However the house of Orthez sent us three or four well distinguished gentlemen: Cachica from Orthez, Bernède from Bézingrand and Carrère from Abos. They entered the novitiate. Several brothers also came. There was much need to lend support to our men destined for the New World, to replace those leaving and those that God was calling to himself.

The Council was renewed with the arrival of the men of the Holy Cross and Mr. Chirou replaced Mr. Larrouy and Mr. Cazaban took his place in the administration. The missions continued; momentum increased, and people were moved to act, particularly in the year of the Holy Father’s jubilee.

The end of 1855 and the first six months of 1856 were used to create the foundations of the future apostles of America and the two serving brothers Fabien and Joannès, and of Mr. Magendie disciple and relative of Mr. Barbé.

Father Superior found intelligence and wisdom in two young brothers, Quillahauquy and Gaby from Bouilh born in Ainhoa. He gave them and made them receive tuition in Latin. It was a good way to make use of his resources, willing to receive anything that came his way, sent from Our Lady to fill the void that was coming.

When it came to the holidays in 1856, on the eve of the departure for America, the distribution of college prizes was chaired by Fr. Abbadie, priest of St. Pé. Having praised Christian education and described the fortune of fathers and mothers who have the good taste to choose religious institutions and good role models, the President expressed regret to have to say goodbye to Mr. Barbé who he had known for a long time, having been his assistant in the small seminary of St. Pé. It is true, he said to the students and parents, that you experience a great loss, but the good Lord who takes him elsewhere for his glory always leaves you the protection of Mary and the honour of his choice. Michael Garicoïts had managed to call and use the ones we will lose: with Mary, Michael Garicoïts and his devoted followers, everything will receive compensation, things will even be exceeded and increased as the sacrifice that is made only serves to call on Bétharram new and abundant blessings from heaven.

It was the month of September 1856 Messrs Guimon, Larrouy, Barbé and Sardoy and Harbustan left Bétharram with brothers Joannès and Harbustan; they sailed from Bayonne; the crossing was rather difficult and challenging and lasted almost two months. But it was around Christmas of 1856 that the good news of their fortunate landing was received and of the good reception that had been made by the Bishop and his clergy. They received suitable housing and were assigned a church nearby for the exercise of their ministry. At the same time Mr. Barbé announced that he was preparing a building suitable for a college, because he could immediately be sent a large number of people to help and because he recognised early on that the fruits of their ministry would be more abundant, if he could give the young people a solid Christian education.

Simon Fondeville scj

(to be continued)

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