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Jan 15, 2015

Laity and the charism of betharram

The definition of a Christian lay Betharramite

Should we add a question mark to this heading? In fact, what follows is a text written and suggested by the Superior general, Fr Gaspar Fernandez Perez, to show how to go about defining a betharramite lay person. All are called (cf RoL 3) “to live their baptismal vocation, enlightened by the charism of the Incarnation”.

We remember that on 31 May 2011 at Bethlehem, the members of the general Chapter wrote a letter to the laity, in these terms:
“The charism of Saint Michael is more than ever alive and can offer a path to Christians wishing to know how to live their faith. Their presence with us in our life and mission is the proof. We thank you for your collaboration, competence and generosity in all that you have done for the formation, mission, and the management of our assets. During our discussions we came to realise the diversity that exists in different countries in the way this spirituality and mission is lived …
We encourage you to continue to study and deepen the sense of your identity as lay people, and your mission in the Church, as members of the Betharramite family …”

  1. Through Baptism, the lay Betharramite lives in union with Jesus, annihilated and obedient, the Word Incarnate who, with the generous impulse of his Heart always says to his Father “Here I am” so as to cooperate in the redemption of mankind through his unceasing service. As followers of Jesus Christ, known, loved, inward looking but following the example of St Michael, all, through their actions and words are missionary-disciples of Jesus.
  2. The lay members of Betharram foster in their Christian way of life the virtues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and try to live them in their daily lives. They do everything unassumingly with humility, obedience, commitment, meekness, love and joy.
  3. They live and build up the community of the Church and join in the life of the Church with the help of the Word of God in the celebration of the Eucharist and other Sacraments, in their unity towards the needy and with a steadfast commitment towards the work of announcing Jesus to all and bringing them the same happiness.
  4. Among their fellow brothers and sisters, lay Betharramites witness their Christian authenticity and like a grain of yeast transform the world little by little according to the Gospel values, presenting the Kingdom of God to their fellow brothers and sisters.
  5. They commit themselves, like Jesus, to practice unbounding charity within the limits of their position: in family life, with all the family members that the Lord gives them, in the office, in the firm, in the club, in the political party, in the trade unions, in the NGO’s, and in all the other areas of life.
  6. In everything each one is commited fully, unassumingly, joyfully and generously, each aware that he is where God wants him to be, because this is God’s will and in order to do what God wants, eliciting in those around him the inevitable questions of Blessed Paul VI: Why are they like this? Why do they live this way? By whom or by what are they inspired? Why are they among us? (E.N. 21)
  7. Always, they try to show the reason for their hope that it is Jesus Christ who is filling their lives with joy, so that all can know him, love him and follow him in order to live in the same happiness.
  8. The Lay Betharramite lives his faith in a mature way, he tries to discern the will of God in all the various circumstances of his life, in order to see in the signs of the times the presence of God (G.S. 1).
  9. He enriches his personal interior formation by studying the Holy Scriptures, reading St Michael’s writings and following Betharramite tradition; he tries to fully understand the social Doctrine of the Church (see Compendium of the social doctrine of the Church).
  10. When he has the chance, he joins one of the Betharramite communities to help carry out the mission the Church has entrusted to the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
  11. He lives the Christian life joyfully so as to attract everyone to experience the new life which flows from the Heart of the risen Lord.
  12. When we think of the married lay Betharramite we realise they have accepted the sacrament of marriage as a joyful gift. They live family life like the newly baptised, accepting their daily crosses and enjoying consolation from the Lord. Their family becomes a “domestic Church” where the family members read the Word of God, take part in the Eucharist, build up unity through Christian love; each one pursuing the good of others. They care for the poor and sympathise with them, respect life and bring up children to follow the Gospel values. In all of this they are witnesses to the love God has for us all and which He has revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
  13. When thinking of Betharramite lay people who are single or widowed, we realise that they can live their vocation consecrating their life to the Lord by committing themselves to living the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience. This would need a private consecration. The lay person who wishes to do it, makes an agreement with a religious of Betharram, who will inform his Regional Vicar and, with his consent, accept the consecration in a small private celebration.

Gaspar Fernández Pérez, scj

Would you like to react and share your reflections? Do not hesitate to write to nef@betharram.it

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