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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2015 / Family News - 2015 February 14th / Our Formation Houses
Feb 14, 2015

Our Formation Houses

A time for clarifying one’s vocation

We continue our visit to the formation houses of the Congregation. After listening to those in charge of vocation promotion, you can find here the enthusiastic and passionate account of those who have been called to work with the postulants.

Those in charge of the postulants are usually young religious with a specific preparation in the field of formation and discernment. All of them prepared themselves to the best of their efforts. They are fully aware that by “forming” others they “are formed” by the young people entrusted to their care. Let’s listen to them!

How long have you been dedicated to this service?

Pascal: For the past one year and eight months I have been carrying out this service. When I took up this responsibility I had no idea about it. The only thing I knew was that I was placed to work in formation.

Osmar: For me, it’s been a year since I assumed this task in the formation house of our Lady of Betharram at Lambaré, at the request of superiors.

Glecimar: I started this ministry in 2013, for the spiritual accompaniment of young candidates at Passa Quatro where this stage of aspirancy was based and where it still continues.

My training for this ministry began with a personal initiative. I felt indeed challenged and called to fully live my vocation by deepening the practice of spiritual direction. This is how I started the CAP, personal spiritual accompaniment courses set up by the Jesuits of Itaici (Sao Paulo). Once in possession of this precious instrument, the Etchecopar Region, through my Vicariate asked me to accompany postulants. I am now beginning a course for formators in Sao Paulo, organized by the association “Transcender” following the guidelines of Jesuit Fr. Rulla.

Pascal: I am learning with the help of formators course. I have attended various seminars on formation for formators and superiors. Having said this I always seek the help of all my elder brothers in my community who advise me from time to time. Secondly I go out and meet various religious communities’ superiors (priest and Nuns) who help me in this endeavour.

Osmar: I went for three years to the School for Formators in Cordoba (Argentina). I followed the course of empowerment for Guides & Spiritual Accompanists (for spiritual exercises) at the Itaici Centre for Spirituality in San Paulo (Brazil). Both courses have given me many tools for accompaniment in formation. I have attended meetings at regional level (ERAVOF), where I shared with other formators on the status of formation in each Vicariate. I also took part in the development of a joint formation project for our Region.

What expectations do you note among young people during these years of formation?

Osmar: Four young people expressed their desire to complete their formation process, overcoming the difficulties and challenges that arise. They are happy to live in the formation house and await the arrival of new aspirants who, as of February 25, will be integrated into our formation house.

Pascal: Expectations: that these young men could become committed Religious, be available for the needs of others. And become true witness of the Gospel.
Objectives: that they come to know themselves with their own limitations and talents, that they have an interior experience of Christ through prayer, that they adapt themselves to live in Betharramite way of life. Last but not least: to open themselves to the realities of life today.

Glecimar: These young people come to us with great expectations. I can witness in my experience that to speak of oneself and talk of one’s own history is a starting point for getting to know oneself and accepting one’s own reality. I also notice in them a genuine desire to experience, understand and live the “presence of God” in their lives.

What are the goals you want to achieve during these years of postulancy?

Glecimar: In accordance with the Ratio Formationis, our goal is to help young people to know themselves better, to accept to become free and responsible human beings. From this point of view, systematic and personal accompaniment helps them think about their lives and their personal history, their predisposition to a life of prayer, their ability to live in community and their sensitivity to the ecclesial and social reality. This is in my opinion a special moment that promotes a concrete discernment of vocation for one’s whole life.

Pascal: In the Postulancy year they are encouraged a lot to develop in the human dimension. Though all the dimensions are very important, this particular dimension is given primacy. Their time table is prepared in such a way that all the dimensions of growth are accomodated. The most significant elements of our postulancy are spirituality, then intellectual and community life.

Osmar: My hope is to help each postulant to complete an initial experience of growth in all aspects of his life, an experience that allows him to live freely the option of following Christ in a Betharramite religious life.
I want to help every young person in formation to consider his vocation as a caring and committed response to the Church. The experience of community and the personal encounter with the formator are for the young person in formation, privileged spaces of growth and preparation. It is important to make a regular evaluation with every young person and to adequately prepare him for the next stage of his formation (novitiate).

As a simple religious, what features and moments do you most appreciate in this service entrusted to you?

Osmar: I greatly appreciate the community times (times of prayer, the Eucharist, study times, sports, fraternal sharing during meals). I also appreciate the times of systematic personal accompaniment with each young person in formation.
Among young people in formation most of which come from country areas, I rejoice in their ability to quickly adapt to a new lifestyle; I am also humbled by the trust, openness, joy and enthusiasm they show in community life and in personal meetings.

Pascal: Small things which makes me happy, like when young people try to speak English, take responsibility for the things entrusted to them, or when they are appreciated by their professors at college.

Glecimar: Formation is a sacred ministry for me, a special time that reconfirms my choice and my vocation in God. In addition to promoting and developing my ability to listen, accompaniment forces me to face directly my own history and helps me recognize that God is in charge of the sustaining and the history of each one of them ... This is when you place in the hands of God, your own history and your life. Being a formator is also for me, an unparalleled opportunity for my own formation and learning.


Organization of the period of postulancy: example of the house of Lambaré where currently are located 4 young people (a candidate in the 2nd year and three others who are just starting).
1st period (initial stage): we invite every young person in formation to an experience of growth in all dimensions (human, spiritual, community, intellectual, missionary, vocational and charismatic).
2nd period (pre-novitiate) besides work on the dimensions of life, every young person is invited to live a deeper experience of personal prayer in the light of the Word of God, shared with the community. Furthermore, through the personal interview, the candidate is helped to experience the charism of the Congregation and to put it into practice through service in the life of the community and through pastoral work in the parish.
Prayer life: Lauds, Vespers, time of personal prayer, recitation of the rosary, adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, a ‘desert day’ once a month with shared reflections during mass, and a retreat at the end of the year.
Systematic and personal guidance: once a week each young person in formation has a personal encounter with the formator.
Academic study: in the morning from Monday to Friday, young people attend their respective training institutes, Institute of Religious Life and Higher Institute of humanistic and philosophical studies. A certain part of the afternoon is devoted to a few hours of personal study at home.
Other courses: lectures on spirituality, seminars on affectivity, sexuality and the use of media; computer courses and Spanish.
Community Meeting: once a week.
Manual Labour: household, garden and yard.
Sport: three times per week.
Community excursions: three or four per year.

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Nef is edited by the General Council.

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