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P Andrea Antonini
You are here:Home / News / News 2023 / Br. Peter Phichet Wijunwayu SCJ and Br. Mathew Phanupan Shaichonnsrijinda SCJ ordained priests
Thailand - Chiang Mai, Jun 18, 2023

Br. Peter Phichet Wijunwayu SCJ and Br. Mathew Phanupan Shaichonnsrijinda SCJ ordained priests

Saturday June 17th. The members of the General Chapter participated in the solemn concelebration in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Chiang Mai during which our brothers Peter Phichet Wijunwayu SCJ and Mathew Phanupan Shaichonnsrijinda SCJ were ordained priests by the laying on of hands of Mgr. Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana, Bishop of Chiang Mai.

Br. Peter Phichet Wijunwayu SCJ and Br. Mathew Phanupan Shaichonnsrijinda SCJ ordained priests

It was a moment lived with intensity and prayer.

After lunch shared with all the priests, men and women religious and relatives of the new priests present at the ceremony, the Capitulars went to the Chiang Mai cemetery for a  prayer in memory of our deceased brothers buried in Chiang Mai.

Then in the afternoon, Fr. Chan and Fr. Kriangsak presented us, through a video, the life and mission of the Vicariate in Thailand.

This video was followed by a time of Eucharistic adoration with the blessing.

The day ended with a fraternal dinner.

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