The St. Michael Garicoïts Region celebrates the third Regional Chapter
The third Regional Chapter opened in Betharram on Wednesday morning, October 19, with a reflection on the Heart of Jesus by Father Daniel Régent, a Jesuit. In the late morning, the members of the Chapter celebrated the Eucharist at the Oratory, the room of the Holy Founder.
In the afternoon, the Regional Vicars presented a report on their respective Vicariates. This allowed all the capitulars to know the positive aspects and the frailties of each reality. In the late afternoon, Fr Armel SCJ also arrived at the Chapter, twenty-four hours late due to visa difficulties.
Let us pray for our brothers, so that the Holy Spirit may dispose them for an authentic and fraternal meeting.
May they open their hearts to listen and to discern, together, the Will of God.
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