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Argentina - Adrogué, Jun 07, 2021

Perpetual profession of Br. Mariano Surace SCJ

On May 29, in the formation house of Adrogué (Argentina), Br. Mariano Surace SCJ, during a solemn concelebration presided over by the Regional Superior, Fr. Daniel González SCJ (delegate of the Superior General), made his perpetual profession, surrendering himself forever to the Lord through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in our Religious Family of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.

Perpetual profession of Br. Mariano Surace SCJ

Due to the pandemic, only family members were able to participate in the celebration. The Superior of the community and Novice Master, Fr. Osmar Caceres Spaini SCJ and Fr. Francisco Daleoso SCJ concelebrated with Fr. Daniel.

In a message, Br. Mariano expressed his joy as follows: « ‘Come and see’ (Jn 1:39). I share the joy of my final consecration... I feel very close to all the loved ones who have been taking part in this celebration online. I thank all of you!!».

Congratulations to Br. Mariano from all the religious of the Congregation and the Betharramite laity!

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