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You are here:Home / News / News 2021 / In memoriam…
Ivory Coast - Yopougon, Dec 30, 2021

In memoriam…

On December 3, in Yopougon, Mr Léon Kissi, brother of Fr Jean-Paul Kissi SCJ, of the community of formation of Adiapodoumé (Vicariate of Ivory Coast) passed away at the age of 53.

In memoriam…

We offer Fr Jean-Paul and his family members our heartfelt condolences reassuring them that we hold them and their dear one in our thoughts and our prayers.

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NEF, Family news


Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

You can read the NEF by going to the appropriate section of the portal, which also contains the archive of recent years.

Below you find the last three issues ...