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Gustavo India
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Italy - Albiate, Jul 02, 2020

...My never-ending thank you!

On 25 June, Fr Andrea Antonini scj, of the community of Albiate,the eldest of the Betharramite religious in the Vicariate of Italy, celebrated the 70th anniversary of his priestly ordination.

...My never-ending thank you!
This is what Fr. Andrea shared on this occasion: "Seventy years ago there was a spiritual marriage between God and me. Forever. That is why my whole life has been a never-ending thank you. 70 years of priesthood, 70 years of wonderful love with God... I have enjoyed it to the full because I feel that Jesus is in my heart: he is my life, he is my everything. The ordination put me in someone's hands and in the hearts of many brothers.”
Congratulations, Fr. Andrea!

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