Perpetual Profession of Br. Akhil Joseph SCJ
Indian Vicariate held the celebration of Perpetual Commitment of brother Akhil Joseph SCJ on 03rd December 2020 at Sacred Heart Chapel of Betharram Formation House, Maryhill, Mangalore.
Rev. Fr. Stervin Selvadas SCJ, Delegate of the Superior General, officiated the Solemn Profession of Br Akhil and received the Vows. Rev. Fr. Arul Gnana Prakash SCJ, Regional Vicar, presented the ring and officially received Br Akhil into the family of Betharram.
Rev. Fr. Stervin, in his homily, preached on the essential elements for a true commitment in religious life: that is, “FAT” - “Faithfulness, Availability and Teachability” (always being ready to learn).
Indeed it was also an occasion for a fraternal gathering of all our benefactors and well-wishers. Br. Akhil was felicitated for taking the bold step of offering himself for the service of God.
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