Diaconal Ordination of Br. Serge Appaouh SCJ in Pistoia
On Sunday 27 December 2020, the feast of the Holy Family, Br. Serge Appaouh SCJ was ordained as a deacon by Mgr. Fausto Tardelli, Bishop of the Diocese of Pistoia, in the Betharramite Parish of St Francis in Pistoia.
The celebration, held in compliance with anti-contagion rules, saw the participation of two hundred faithful and was animated by the parish choir and the seminarians of the diocese.
Serge's family and young Betharramite laity followed the rite through the live stream on Facebook and the website of the Vicariate of Italy.
In his homily, the Bishop emphasised the importance of the family, cradle of vocations and place where the service of love is lived. He then invited everyone to pray for vocations and thanked the religious of Betharram for their service in the diocese.
At the end of the ordination, the community celebrated the newly-ordained deacon with a family lunch partly offered by some parishioners.
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