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You are here:Home / News / News 2019 / “Catechesis weeks” for children and teenagers in Thailand
Thailand - Vicariate, Apr 29, 2019

“Catechesis weeks” for children and teenagers in Thailand

During the school holidays the betharramites communities present in the country organize “catechesis weeks” for children and young people hailing from mountain villages: a week marked by meetings, moments of reflection, practical activities and games.

“Catechesis weeks” for children and teenagers in Thailand

In the parish of "Saint Paul" in Hauy Tong, from March 31 to April 7, 125 children aged between 7 and 12 attended the catechesis camp based on the theme: "Believe in Jesus”. At the end of the camp, five children received first communion and forty children were baptised.

From 1st to 10 of April, the Maepon community opened its doors to 198 Karen children.

In the same days, the "Holy Family Catholic Center" in Ban Pong, in the north of the country, welcomed 131 children from the Akha villages for the camp entitled: "Happy in the Love of God”. At the end, Mgr Joseph Vuthilert Haelom, Bishop of Chiang Rai, administered the sacrament of Confirmation to 65 boys.

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