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XXVII General Chapter, May 12, 2017

Superior General's Report

Today, the General Chapter listened attentively to Rev Fr Gaspar SCJ, our Superior General. He shared honestly the movement of the Congregation in the three Regions.

Superior General's Report

Special mention was made on Formation and Communty Life. He emphasised on the need to grasp, to pray and to put into practice the proper meaning of the 'Rule of Life' in our communities.

Fr Jean-Do shared with us the functioning of the commission appointed by the Superior General to Look at the possibilities of improving the patrimony of Betharram in France. Though it was considered something not so positive, slowly one could see the gradual success of the commission which bears fruit today.

Fr Graziano our General Bursar shared with us the patrimony and the General accounts of the Congregation, though there is a challenge for Region, Vicariate and Community to contribute, to share and to be faithful to the gifts that entrusted to us.

The day ended with the celebration of the Eucharist by Fr. Fulgencio SCJ.

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