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You are here:Home / News / News 2016 / Priestly ordination of Br Juan Pablo García Martínez SCJ
Argentina - Barracas, Dec 13, 2016

Priestly ordination of Br Juan Pablo García Martínez SCJ

On December 8, in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Barracas (Argentina), Br Juan Pablo García Martínez SCJ was ordained as a priest by the laying on of hands of Mgr Ignacio Gogorza SCJ, betharramite Bishop Emeritus of Encarnación.

Priestly ordination of Br Juan Pablo García Martínez SCJ

Fr Gustavo Agin, Regional Superior of the Region Father Auguste Etchecopar and Fr Daniel González SCJ, Regional Vicar for Argentina joined the concelebration and many Betharramite brothers were also present.

The family members and the many faithful present lived with great joy this event, which was so important not only for Juan Pablo's life, but also for the entire Congregation and the Church.

Dear Father Juan Pablo, we wish you a fruitful ministry!

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