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Gustavo India
You are here:Home / News / News 2015 / The Superior General’s visit to our mission at Tacuarembó (Uruguay)
Uruguay - Tacuarembó, Mar 17, 2015

The Superior General’s visit to our mission at Tacuarembó (Uruguay)

From March 3 to 9, during his canonical visit to the Vicariate of Argentina and Uruguay, the Superior General visited the community of Montevideo-Tacuarembó. The community, after giving back to the Diocese the care of the Parish of the Immaculate Conception, is much more available for the new mission that has been entrusted to them by the Regional Superior:  Fr. Victor is in charge of the pastoral care in the College "de los Vascos" in Montevideo for two weeks. The rest of the time is devoted to the missionary activity of the first proclamation of the Gospel in the Diocese of Tacuarembó.

The Superior General’s visit to our mission at Tacuarembó (Uruguay)

Mons. Julio César Bonino, Bishop of Tacuarembó, is very grateful and appreciative of the presence of our brothers and of their mission work.

The Superior General then had the opportunity to attend the great celebration of "Patria Gaucha" and to concelebrate the “Criolla Mass" presided over by the new Cardinal of Montevideo, Mgr. Daniel Sturla. It was a beautiful experience of a Church fully integrated into the Uruguayan society.

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