News 2015
January Anniversaries
This is the list of birthdays and other other anniversaries regarding the Betharramite Religious for the month of January.
Important events in the family life
Important events took place in the Fr Etchecopar Region in the month of December.
Opening of the Holy Door in the Basilica of St. Germaine at Pibrac
Sunday, December 20 - The Betharramite community of Pibrac set up a very grand celebration: the opening of the Holy Door in the Basilica of St. Germaine; this Basilica, in fact, was chosen to be one of three Jubilee Churches in the Diocese of Toulouse.
A "Betharramite" Holy Door
Sunday, December 20, Mons. Robert Le Gall, archbishop of Toulouse, will open the Holy Door for the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Basilica of St. Germaine, Pibrac.
Novices meet Fr. Francesco Radaelli SCJ
The novices of Bethlehem enjoyed the visit of Fr. Francesco Radaelli SCJ, Emeritus Superior General, for a four day session on religious life and, particularly, on the history of the life of the Betharramite communities scattered throughout the world.
NEF December 14, 2015
The Christmas Season is just round the corner .... Please accept our heartfelt Season’s Greetings.
Happy Birthday, Fr Carlo Luzzi SCJ
November, 12th - On the occasion of the Vicariate meeting, in Chiang Mai, the Betharramite Religious of Thailand wished Fr Carlo Luzzi a happy 81th birthday.
Annual Meeting of the FVD group
Sunday, November 22 - As per tradition, a meeting was held in the San José College, Asunción (Paraguay) to elect the Superior and the Directors of the FVD Group for the years 2016-2018.
Vocational meeting at Bouar
November 14th, young Betharramite aspirants gathered at the "St. Michael” community at Bouar.
“Amici” n. 12 - December 2015
It was published the new edition of the bulletin of the Association "Amici", for the missionary animation of the Vicariate of Italy.
Fraternel n. 67 - December 2015
It was published the new edition of the bulletin of the Fraternity "Me Voici", the group of Betharramite laity of the Vicariate of France and Spain.
Novitiate Activities in India
The months of October & November was a time of Sharing the Spirituality and the Charism of our Congregation especially as we prayed the Holy Rosary at the Homes of our Companions and friends and celebrated the Feast of Our Mother of the Holy Rosary.
A day of recollection for the community of Pibrac
November 9 - Every two months, the community of Pibrac, holds a day of recollection at the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of the Desert, about twenty kilometers away from Pibrac.
December Anniversaries
This is the list of birthdays and other other anniversaries regarding the Betharramite Religious for the month of December.
Assembly of the Vicariate of the Holy Land in Bethlehem
On 20 and 21 November the Meeting of the Vicariate of the Holy Land was held in the community of Bethlehem.
A very warm welcome to Fr Davi Lara at Mendelu
Sunday, November 22, Solemnity of Christ the King, Fr Davi Lara SCJ returned to the community of Mendelu.
The pastoral work of the community of Barracas bears fruit ...
Saturday, November 7 - The pastoral and missionary work of the Sacred Heart Parish of Barracas (Argentina) is gathering momentum: two young Scouts and one Guide were baptized, and were received with great joy into the community, where a mission had been carried out.
Marian Month at Hojai with plenty of activities
Month of October had been a memorable one as there were processions and prayer sessions in honor of the Mother of Holy Rosary both at the centre and in the mission stations.
Community celebration in The Vicariate of Paraguay
26-27 October - At the inter-Vicariate meeting of Paraguay, held at the Retreat House "Our Lady of Betharram" in Lambaré (Asuncion, Paraguay), Msgr. Ignacio Gogorza SCJ celebrated 60 years of religious life, Fr Wilfrido Romero SCJ the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination, Fr Tobia Sosio SCJ 50 years of religious life and Fr José Larrosa SCJ 25 years of priestly ordination.
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