Novitiate Activities in India
The months of October & November was a time of Sharing the Spirituality and the Charism of our Congregation especially as we prayed the Holy Rosary at the Homes of our Companions and friends and celebrated the Feast of Our Mother of the Holy Rosary.
We also had our monthly recollection at the CSST-Generalate which was guided by Rev. Sr. Josephatte CSST-Asst Superior General
It was also a time where our 2nd Year novices very faithfully to the call and mission of our founder and Congregation “Ecce Venio” rendered their one month of Service at The Camillian Fathers Aid’s Center, Bangalore. The community also joined The Church as we celebrated the Feast of All Saints and also Kannada Rajyotsava , which is the Birthday of the state of Karnataka. Special prayers were offered for the State , the Fathers and the Brothers who hail from Karnataka. We also celebrated: the Feast of Diwali, which is the Festival of Lights and the Feast of our North East Brothers and the Children’s Day, wishing and praying for our children at Our Xavier Care Home.
We also request your earnest prayers for our five brothers Anton Joshua, Rajendra,Thanith James, Rawee Peter and Akhil Joseph who are making their one month of Ignatian retreat and for their Jesuits Companions Brothers Rejoy Johny, Frangle Xavier,Sinesh George, Amal Babu ,Savy George and the retreat guide Rev.Fr. Jose Jacob S.J.
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