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You are here:Home / News / News 2014 / Deacon Osmar Vicente Cáceres Spaini SCJ was ordained a priest
Paraguay - Yataity del Norte, Sep 29, 2014

Deacon Osmar Vicente Cáceres Spaini SCJ was ordained a priest

Saturday, September 20th was a moment of joy for the whole Church and especially for the Betharramite family. In the church dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Deacon Osmar Vicente Cáceres Spaini was ordained a priest in his hometown, Yataity del Norte (Department of San Pedro).

Fr Osmar Vicente Cáceres Spaini SCJ

The celebration was presided by Mgr. Ignacio Gogorza scj, Betharramite Bishop of the Diocese of Encarnación and concelebrated by Fr Gustavo Agin SCJ (Regional Superior), Fr Javier Irala SCJ (Regional Vicar of Paraguay) and by many Betharramite Fathers.
After the Eucharistic celebration, they all gathered in the banquet hall of the town for a festive lunch.
We all wish Fr Osmar a fruitful ministry!

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