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You are here:Home / News / News 2013 / The Seleka rebel group has sacked the Mission our Lady of Fatima in Bouar – Central African Republic
Central African Republic - Bouar, Sep 30, 2013

The Seleka rebel group has sacked the Mission our Lady of Fatima in Bouar – Central African Republic

Fr Piero Trameri, director of the Missionary Cooperation Team for the Italian Vicariate, has just forwarded this worrying piece of news: the Seleka rebel group has sacked the Mission Our Lady of Fatima in Bouar. Let us pray for our brothers in Central African Republic: that peace may return in this country torn by different factions.

From the left: Br. Martial Mengué, Fr. Zaolo Narcisse and Fr. Beniamino Gusmeroli

"In the night, from 9 pm to midnight, Fr. Beniamino Gusmeroli, an Italian missionary, and Bro. Martial Maru, Central African Deacon, were at the mercy of rebels of Seleka; they gagged and threatened to kill the doorkeeper, then entered the House armed with Kalashnikovs.
The five men of the commando were armed to the teeth; foreigners of Sudanese origin, who could only gabble a few words in French and Sango.
Once Bro. Martial was gagged and tied up, they made their way to Fr. Beniamino’s room where they took all they could find.
As the father was trying to resist, they tied him up and gagged him too. Afterwards, they turned everything upside down and took everything of value: money, computers, camera, phone.
To cover their escape, they took hostage Bor. Martial – whom they released a little later - and took his Passport, (obtained after months of delay complete with the visa granted by the Italian Embassy in Yaoundé for his projected stay in Italy.)
Thus was carried out a new act of looting on the part of the rebels of the Seleka, now uncontrolled and uncontrollable by the authorities (but can we speak of authority?). This action is a sign of a deterioration of the situation. No glimmer of change is in sight unless the international community intervenes quickly and firmly.”
Fr. Piero Trameri scj

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