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France - Fraternity "Me Voici", Apr 06, 2012

France - Fraternity "Me Voici"

From Saturday 24 to Sunday 25 of March, the Betharramite laity of France (Fraternité Me Voici) met in Lagardelle sur Lèze for their annual retreat.

France - Fraternity
The theme of this retreat, led by Father Gerard Zugarramurdi (Betharramite), was "Living for Christ in the footsteps of St. Michael." First the facilitator talked about the Eucharist and the virtues of the Sacred Heart in Saint Michael’s life. Then he tackled the topic of the Incarnation as a sign of God's presence in us and among us. The time for personal prayer, sharing life experiences and exchanges over the meals fostered a good atmosphere within the Fraternity Me Voici. The superior of the community hosting the meeting  talked about the Congregation of the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, and then about the "Here I am" in the daily prayer life, in fraternal life in community, in their work and apostolic activities. At the end of this day in the desert with the Lord, we are reassured  that saying "yes" to the Lord is a source of joy.

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