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France - Betharram, Aug 02, 2012

France - Betharram

July 28 – In Bétharram, Our Lady has been honoured during a solemn celebration for the Centenary of her crowning.

France - Betharram

The celebration started in the Parish church of Lestelle with a solemn Morning Prayer presided by Mons Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the family, alumnus of the College of Betharram. Then the large number of people present for this celebration formed a procession and started walking towards the Shrine of Betharram, following the statue of the “White Madonna”, carried by some Italian lay betharramites, present in Betharram for this occasion with a strong delegation. The Eucharist was presided over by Mons Jean-Laffitte, surrounded by the Vicar General of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart, Fr Enrico Frigerio, by the Regional Superior, Fr Jean-Luc Morin, by the Regional Vicar Fr Aldo Nespoli, by the one Episcopal Vicar of the Bayonne Diocese, Fr Pierre haramburu, by some jubilarians ( celebrating the anniversary of their ordination or religious profession) and by many Betharramite Religious. In the Congregation were also present representatives of religious men and women of the Diocese, Betharramite lay associates of the France-Spain Vicariate, parishioners from Lestelle, friends and well-wishers ... The “Petit Chœur Saint-Michel» from Pau supported the singing and the prayer of the congregation.
In the afternoon, after the Vespers in honour of the Blessed Mary, Mons Jean Laffitte gave a lecture on the work carried out by the Pontifical Council for the family.
Recalling an event of 100 years ago all the people present felt encouraged to face the challenges of the present age full of hope, relying on the maternal protection of Our Lady of Betharram.


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