Family News index
NEF is the abbreviation of "Nouvelles En Famille", bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Bétharram. In 1903, year of the expulsion from France and the diaspora, the General Chapter decided to create a liaison bulletin between the different parts of the Institute, first and foremost between the religious themselves. A periodical came to life which, took the place of the circulars from the Major Superiors, and satisfied a greater need for information.
At the beginning, the pages were handwritten, then duplicated. Yet in 1923, the NEF is monthly printed in French. In the 80ies, is published in several editions (French, Italian, English and Spanish), with a focus on formation.
Since 2006, the paper edition of the NEF is coupled with a digital version. It can be read on line on this website on the 14th of each month (14 like May 14th, Feast of Saint Michael Garicoïts, or like September 14th,Solemnity of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, so dear to the Betharram family).
Regarding the contents: a reflection from the Superior general, brief accounts from the regions and communities, a column of history or spirituality, witnesses, official communications, etc.
In short, the NEF is what you need to have news about the Betharram Family.
- Family News - December 14th, 2023
- Family News - November 14th, 2023
- Family News - October 14th, 2023
- Family News - September 14th, 2023
- Family News - July 14th, 2023
- Family News - June 14th, 2023
- Family News - May 14th, 2023
- Family News - April 14th, 2023
- Family News - March 14th, 2023
- Family News - February 14th, 2023
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