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May 13, 2017

The first companions of Michael Garicoits

Heading to America

The first companions of Michael Garicoits

It is quite difficult to sum up the life of a person in a couple of pages! In the case of Father Simon Guimon, it is absolutely impossible. We came to know him better last January, during the first chapter of his life that took place in France. Let us go back to him now at a time when the small society of Betharram is at a turning point: the departure for America. Who knows whether, during his long journey on the Etincelle, gazing at the horizon, his ardent imagination made him conceive of a future general chapter of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram, bringing together on the new continent, Betharramites of eleven different nationalities (among them four Basques only) ?

In 1841, Bishop of Bayonne for three years, Bishop Lacroix arrived at Betharram with a Rule for auxiliary priests.

With fervour Simon Guimon asked for religious vows; And thinking he had lost the battle, fell at the feet of the Bishop, swearing not to rise again till he should be heard. The silence was long, very long. The Bishop gave in and granted to the small group the vows and the rules chosen by Michel Garicoits.

Father Guimon had a fiery spirit, which drove him to eccentricities. He was blamed for some things, but each time he accepted and asked for forgiveness, often on his knees. He wasn’t slow to answer back either. When Bishop Lacroix taunted him: “Father Guimon, Isaiah would have made an excellent missionary!“ he fired back: “And an excellent bishop too! “”This devil of a Basque does not speak French; But he is eloquent!” Says Abbe Combalot, a Parisian preacher. Above all, he is full of mercy. The founder of the abbey of Belloc testifies: “A young squire had not confessed for a long time. He approached Father Guimon and the latter embraced him. Then, the confession finished, the nobleman said: “In my turn, I embrace you: you made me happy!” “Was Europe too small for this valiant missionary? He was one of those who witnessed so many Basques and Bearnais going to South America, and wondered what becomes of their faith? Why not priests to accompany them? The ebullient Father Guimon first contacted Monsignor Lacroix and other priests before addressing his own Superior! Michael Garicoits convoked a “general congregation” (September 16, 1854). Before the vote, he made an “important observation”: “Father Guimon did not behave according to the rules of religious obedience. Before he worked as he did, to procure personnel for America and to have this mission accepted by the Bishop, he should have spoken to the Superior of the community, to consult with him and to act under his direction. Despite this, the mission for the Diocese of Buenos Aires was accepted by 20 votes out of 21 (the other vote lost).

The preparations were long! The pioneer team was designated: Guimon was chosen of course; Didace Barbé, the teacher, was group leader; Larrouy was one of them; Harbustan and Sardoy, both from Barcus, entered Betharram for that purpose; The scholastic Jean Magendie accompanied them, as well as the brothers Fabien (from Pau) and Joannès (also from Barcus).

Mission statement

This document of the founder is a gem! Today it would be called “a Mission Statement”. And it should be read very closely, even under a microscope!
From the very first line, Michel Garicoits styles himself as “Superior General”: he wanted a religious Congregation: he made known the appointment of Father Barbé; Even if “our people” are “sent by the Bishop of Bayonne”, in his letter to the Bishop of Buenos Aires, he (the bishop of Bayonne) is not the one presenting them as members of a Society.
Often it is said that Father Guimon and the others are sent to the Basque émigrés. A simple reading makes it possible to see that the “Béarnais” are mentioned there too!
...and we don’t stop with “the Basques and Béarnais compatriots “. Michel Garicoïts does not forget the “natives”: they are not émigrés...
Michel Garicoïts has a clear interest in what we call today “mission ad gentes”.
The group is “under the direction and obedience of Monsignor the Bishop of the said Diocese [of Buenos Aires] and the Superior of the Society”: this is wholly “following the aims of our Society”!
Was the letter, dated August 30th, written at Betharram? “Betharram” was scratched and replaced by “Bayonne”: the original word remains legible under the correction! Why ?
On 31st August the Superior is at Bayonne at the moment of departure. There, M. Boutoey, Vicar General, attests that it is indeed the diocese that sends these missionaries: he countersigns the letter of the Superior General ...

They embarked on 31 August 1856, and they arrived at their destination on 4 November.

The letter of obedience stipulated that they were “sent by the Bishop of Bayonne to the Diocese of Buenos Aires, to work there, following the aims of the Society, either with their Basque and Bearnese compatriots, or under the direction and obedience of the Bishop of the diocese and the Superior of the Society.” But a hundred miles radius around the capital, was too small for men of the temper of Father Guimon... Beyond the lines defended by the military, lived indigenous Indians. Fathers Guimon, Larrouy and Harbustan met with dignitaries of the Pampas tribes. The third meeting would be the last one: hostile body language was in evidence, with threatening spears... Father Harbustan wrote cryptically: “Unfortunately among us, not even in the venerable Fr. Guimon, was the thirst for martyrdom ardent enough to come to such an act of heroism “.These missionaries, so generous, wanted to go further: to be ‘’Apostolic Missionaries’’ (independent of the Bishops) and to settle in Montevideo. Michel Garicoits wrote his disagreement with the Superior of America:”The idea of the title of Apostolic Missionary was fought by me in the most energetic way when you left Betharram. “What use do you think that would be?” I said to Fr. Guimon. “It would only serve to antagonise the bishops everywhere” (...)

”I have already said that the request for a mission to the Indians seems to me quite inappropriate at present.”I cannot at present give you orders concerning Montevideo; we shall see later, when the position and designs of God become more clearly manifested. I would wish with all my heart to help our compatriots in Montevideo: but the moment has not come.”Michael Garicoïts knew how to be patient! After several missions in Uruguay, the Vicar Apostolic of this country invited the priests of the Sacred Heart to settle there. Michael Garicoïts agreed.

But Father Guimon would not be a part of this journey. In Lent 1861 he was still preaching. On the 7th of April, one week after Easter, it was the last battle; Disease finally overtook him on May 22, 1861. Learning of his death, Michel Garicoits ordered the remains of his first companion of our foundation, his friend, to be brought back to Betharram. They have been in the Calvary cemetery since May 29, 1872.

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