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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2017 / Family News - March 14th, 2017 / Towards the General Chapter 2
Mar 15, 2017

Towards the General Chapter 2

Towards the General Chapter 2

Since the historic call of Monsignor Juan Sinforiano Bogarín, religious of Betharram began an immense work of evangelisation in the field of education in Paraguay.

The breath of the Spirit blessed the Church of this country with these first steps of our history.

Always in communion with the local Church, our colleges - beginning with San José - have formed generations of eminent Catholic citizens.

The Paraguayan Episcopal Conference (CEP) follows the directives of the Second Vatican Council and, consequently, evangelises according to the Conciliar criteria. It announces the presence of God and his mercy; ... and that the reign has already begun in Jesus and continues to grow in the midst of difficulties.

This Latin American country suffers from many miseries, perhaps different from those suffered under other latitudes. In Paraguay, the Church is facing urgent problems:
To make a prophetic voice heard in situations of injustice and oppression by democratic means:
- Strengthening the basic ecclesial communities;
- Preaching a gospel that unites faith and life;
- Promoting the processes of human promotion and liberation
- Nourishing the hope of an authentic path to the Kingdom.
This ecclesiology is not the result of a theory learned at the university, but the one that emerges from confrontation with reality.

Let us not forget that Paraguay was plunged into a dictatorship - that of Alfredo Stroessner - which cruelly persecuted political opponents and catechists, witnesses of the faith.

The visit of Pope John Paul II in 1988 and that of Pope Francis in July 2015 were significant events that invited every person in the Church to renewal and strengthening of faith. The testimony and commitment of the laity in matters of education are reflected in popular circles. Our colleges and parishes have the grace to be able to count on them. We all know how important their collaboration is in the management of our colleges, especially at the pastoral and academic levels.

On the whole, it can be said that the proclamation of the Gospel in this country finds a propitious and fertile ground thanks to the popular religious feeling of the Paraguayan family, which is manifested in particular by its immense devotion to the Virgin Mary.

The sanctuary of Caacupé, where the Immaculate Conception is venerated, is the unavoidable destination of every Paraguayan believer. In the days before and after this feast, on December 8, long caravans of pilgrims set out by wagon, on foot or by bicycle. All feel called by the Blessed Mother to honour their promises.

In the homes of families we often see what is called the “family corner”, which is a small sacred space filled with pious images, sometimes accompanied by a photo of a loved one.

In Paraguay too, secularism, and even more materialism, cools the religious heart. Nevertheless, nostalgia for the maternal and paternal welcome of Ñandejara (as the Guaranis call God) leaves the door open to a more committed and coherent faith.

We conclude this brief description with a phrase from the late Cardinal Jean Daniélou, which will always be relevant:
”Return to the sources, contact with real life, and dialogue with contemporary cultural thought”.

Carlos Escurra scj

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