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Jul 14, 2017

Listening to Saint Michael...

Cachica Notebook 13

Listening to Saint Michael...

Lately an English lady died at Pau, who also had this virtue [surrender to God] to an eminent degree. She was the wife of a Scottish General; She had had doubts about her own religion (C. of E.?) and had finally entered into the bosom of the Church; While her only daughter was baptised later, she received in secret the nuptial blessing. Her husband died soon after, and left her with their young child; But she herself did not hesitate to follow him to the tomb.

The priest who was assisting her in her last moments asked her if she had any serious fears about her child, who was going to be left in a very vulnerable position.

“Oh! On this point – she replied – I am perfectly at peace. If God removes me from this world, he knows that he leaves a little one who needs support, and he will serve her as a father and a mother. My child cannot be better than where he wants her. (...)“

What faith! ...said our Superior. It is rarely found even among priests. Any other mother, the more she had religion, the more fear she would have had; But this woman sees only God and hopes in him. This is true virtue, all else is imperfection. Yes, that trust deserved a reward.

When the priest to whom these words had been addressed told me about this, I was struck by this great assurance; I have never forgotten them. The priest said to me again: She was truly of a higher character. She had often astonished him by her wisdom and deep reflections.

Cachica Notebook, 13

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