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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2017 / Family News - December 14th, 2017 / A word from the Superior Generald
Dec 15, 2017

A word from the Superior Generald

“The definitive gesture”

A word from the Superior Generald

Dear Betharramites,

We live a time of Grace in the Church with the coming of the Saviour. We do this in an age when many things are unthinkingly repeated, and life-commitments are avoided. But the Incarnation, the central mystery of the Christian Faith and the inspiring source of the Betharramite charism, makes us aware that the dynamic of Christ in the Gospel goes in the opposite direction: it is born of a “decisive action”: that of the Incarnate Word. “From that moment, he gave himself entirely to fulfill the Will of God, his Father ... even unto death, death on the cross”. (St Michael’s - Founding text)

As Christmas approaches we Betharramite religious and laity, are invited to contemplate the Lord and adore him in that little Child: the Emmanuel. This action of God has become a human face. Jesus touches humanity. His first expression at birth will be to illuminate the shadows of our lives.

The Son of God left the fountain of love at the heart of the Trinity to sip at the bosom of the Virgin Mother!

St. Michael marvelled to see Jesus nourished in the same human fashion as ourselves. The ever-humble Love approaches fallen humanity to redeem it, assuming its condition in everything. However, sin had not touched him and it would never reach him in his ever pure heart.

This “man-God” knew intimately the mess of our human nature. But with his gesture he opened the door to divine intimacy. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1.14). He did this in the midst of a sinful people, to raise them up by lowering himself. To enrich them by his poverty, in humility.

Divine Providence humbled itself to meet the pastor of Ibarre. And just as Elizabeth asked herself: who am I that the Mother of my Lord comes to visit me? (Lk 1.43), so also, humbly, we should ask the same of the Lord, with Saint Michael. Having being given divine blessing, ‘while we were still his enemies’, (Rom 5.10) we are in debt to the God of love. “With what shall I repay the Lord for all the good deeds that he has done for me” (Ps 115. 3). His gesture leads us to live ever gratefully, and to share the joy of feeling loved, fulfilling our word.

The consecration of a Betharramite religious is a profound act of love and humility. Several times in the past I have had the pleasure of receiving perpetual vows in the Superior General’s name. And each time I have been a privileged witness to a definitive “yes”. And I often ask myself: What has this young person discovered to give himself totally ... what is it that he has lived together with Christ ... what does he want to be ... ?:
I had in front of me:

  • A newly-committed young man who has not left happiness behind, because he has discovered Jesus as the only necessary thing. This joy is his everything, and he has made an option to follow him.
  • A free man, who without a second thought, loves Betharram and Betharramites, and who wants to live and die in Betharram.
  • A “fool for Christ’s sake”, moved by the secret spring of love, in whom the Word burns in his heart.
  • An active member in a small family, who wants to build the Kingdom not alone but in community.
  • A prophetic existence in a world of constant flux, who with his very Life has something to say.

We have all been called to give a “definitive yes” like the “Ecce Venio” of the Child Jesus. We have been accompanied by a Congregation that has tried to give us the simple care and the means to grow and be happy, in the image of the Holy Family.

We were also called to live with an attitude similar to that of Mary, who did not cooperate with the redemption simply in a passive way, but actively with her fidelity and obedience to the Holy Spirit. Her “Ecce Ancilla Domini”, is the wonderful acceptance of a divine adventure, accepting by faith the dream of the Father. The “yes” to the Lord’s messenger is a perfect echo of the “yes” that the Son pronounced in the heart of the Trinity. That providential coincidence expresses a theological symphony of love no one has ever seen before.

Saint Ignatius says that the three divine persons, contemplating the self destruction of the men of this world said to themselves: “Let us bring about the salvation of the human race” (Spiritual Exercises 106-109).

In the end, the incarnation challenges us and puts us to the test. It reminds us that if we are truly faithful we cannot watch people suffer unmoved, because our own hearts will burn. Jesus the incarnate Word, will impel us to reach out to them as brothers and sisters, and walk with them side by side. Bringing mercy.

Brothers: How blessed is our charism! What a wonderful mystery!

Let us dedicate our lives to announce Jesus Christ, humble and obedient! That is our reason for living! But we can’t take it for granted in an apathetic or secularised world. The arrival of Emmanuel impels us to rekindle in our hearts a passion to proclaim that this Child is the Saviour of the World, who comes to be known and loved.

Sadly, we often see that people are less and less aware of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God made man, who freed us from sin and enabled us to participate in his own divine Life!
Let us tell the world that Jesus is the only true meaning for our lives. He is not just a character in the History Channel.

We must assume a way of true witnessing and refuse to adjust to ‘an easy life’. We cannot be part of a comfort-zone Church, stuck with a tepid and faint-hearted image. Let us go out to meet Life.

The Lord has come out to meet us, he has crossed boundaries to illuminate our hearts, and he himself has been our companion on the road to Emmaus. He has made himself into love for our sake. How honoured we should feel as heirs of this Betharramite charism!

Betharramites, religious and laity, men and women of God, this is our motto: “Ecce Venio” - “Ecce ancilla”.

At the coming of Jesus in this year 2017, may we, inspired by Mary, always be awake, watching, willing and happy to rejoice with Emmanuel. This Divine Child has won our hearts with his tenderness, and he has done so with a definitive gesture.

Eduardo Gustavo Agín scj
Superior General

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Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

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